Letters To The Editor
Transfer station a mess
Since the good weather has finally arrived in Spokane it seems like everyone is using the solid waste transfer stations.
In the past two weeks I have been to the Valley site eight times with compost loads. It is a very efficiently run operation. Sure you have a little waiting but there are hundreds of vehicles through the scales daily. The people working there are friendly and efficient.
As you sit in the line you start to look around, and you kind of wonder who is taking care of the facility itself. The shrubs are untrimmed, some are dead and have been for some time. The grass or what is left of it, is about six inches long and not very green. There is a couple of sections of grass that are solid weeds. These sections are thousands of square feet in size. The bark beds are over grown with weeds, grass and trash.
The paved drives are dirty, the curbing is broken and pieces are strewn about. The fence line is scattered with garbage. Fence posts are bent, light posts are bent. This facility is only a few years old. What will it look like in another few years?
Then you go out to the airport and look around. This place is as neat and trim as you could possibly make it.
Both are city-county facilities. Why does the airport get better care than the transfer station? Both are taxpayer-owned properties.
Remember the saying, “the buck stops here”? If this mayor, city council, and county commissioners would take a look around and see what they are doing to this community I think they would be appalled the same as us taxpayers are. Dan Allison Veradale