Get Started On Road To White House
OK, so it’s not the Oval Office. But it’s a start.
The Pasadena Park Irrigation District has an opening on its board for director position No. 2.
The board makes decisions regarding service rates and just about everything else having to do with home and farm water usage in the Pasadena Park and Northwood areas.
County commissioners are looking for someone to take over the spot vacated by Gregor Edwards on March 7. Shirley Ahern, irrigation district clerk, said the board meets on the first Thursday of each month. Directors earn $50 per meeting.
The director appointed by county commissioners would hold the position until the next election, now set for December. If unopposed, the director would keep the position until the year 2000.
To qualify for the job, the citizen would have to live in the Pasadena Park Irrigation District service area. Applications can be picked up at the commissioners’ office, 1116 W. Broadway. Deadline is April 8.
For more information, call Ronald Welch at 926-5535.
Fire station cost set
Fire commissioners announced Wednesday that the new Liberty Lake fire station will cost $670,000.
The architectural firm Tan/ Heyamoto will be paid a $56,000 fee to supervise its design and construction. If the station is build for less than the expected cost, Tan/ Heyamoto also will receive 35 percent of the savings.
“It’s an incentive to the architect to make sure costs are controlled,” said fire commission chairman Ray Allen.
The fire district must now finalize station plans and advertise for construction bids. Construction is expected to start by the end of April and to be completed in August.
Training tower work set
Valley Fire commissioners chose Clevenger Construction to repair the district’s training tower.
Renager, which was chosen over two other companies, bid the job at $54,444.
Four-foot square fire resistant tiles recently began falling from the ceilings and walls, forcing the repairs. “Refractory concrete” will be sprayed on the walls in place of the tiles.
Gang awareness meeting scheduled
Bowdish Junior High School will host a community gang awareness meeting Tuesday night.
Detective Rick VanLeuven, a Spokane County Sheriff’s Department gang specialist, is the featured speaker. VanLeuven will answer questions about gang activity and youth violence in the Valley.
Sheriff’s Community Oriented Policing volunteer John Boes also will speak. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria.
Club honors deputy
The Spokane Valley Lions Club named sheriff’s deputy Steve Kukuruza its deputy of the year.
Kukuruza was chosen for his outstanding dedication and effort to make the Valley a safer community.
Organizing a school patrol for Sheriff’s Community Oriented Policing Effort volunteers and volunteering as an instructor for the SCOPE Citizens on Patrol are two of the programs in which Kukuruza has been involved.
Hutton windows
The Hutton Settlement is nearing the end of a $379,000 fund drive to replace windows at the historic orphanage in the Valley.
Director Mike Butler said his group is within $15,000 of its goal.
Part of the money that has been raised so far - nearly $28,000 in cash and in-kind contributions - has come from the local Pella window company and its parent organization.
A story in last week’s Valley Voice gave the impression that Pella had contributed the entire amount.
, DataTimes