Idaho Records
Police Blotter Coeur d’Alene police
Gary Papineau reported Thursday the $14,730 theft of photography equipment used as collateral on a loan from a business at 4025 Government Way.
Skipper Frye reported Wednesday the $700 theft of two bicycles from his home on the 900 block of Sixth Street.
Lowell Boughton reported Thursday $600 damage to a window of his home on the 1800 block of Noble Circle.
James Dutkiewicz reported Thursday the $340 theft of a wallet and its contents from his pickup truck while it was parked at his home on the 800 block of Second Sreet.
Terri Sande reported Thursday $1,100 damage to the paint of her car while it was parked at Northern State Bank on Third Street.
Joseph Beery reported April 19 the $2,264 theft of tools and a tool cabinet from his home on the 1000 block of Third Street.
Kevin Krieger reported Wednesday the $350 theft of a mountain bike from his home on the 3100 block of Ninth Street.
Kenneth Fuller reported Thursday the $2,000 theft of his ‘92 Kawasaki motorcycle from his home on the 900 block of Sixth Street.
Kootenai County sheriff
Richard McCabe, Garfield, Wash., reported Wednesday the $1,465 theft of a lawn tractor, chain saw, and tools from his cabin on Bronze Bay near Spirit Lake.
Post Falls police
Robert Kuhns, Post Falls, reported Monday the $500 theft of a trailer hitch from the Coeur d’Alene RV Resort, 2600 Mullan Ave.
Tabitha Bacot, Post Falls, reported Tuesday the $425 theft of compact discs and a CD player from her car parked at her home on the 300 block of Woodside Drive.
News of Record Shoshone County Civil complaints
Kevin and Maureen Benz vs. Michael Morin and Ford Motor Co., seeking an amount to be proven at trial.
Kootenai County Civil complaints
Home Security Caretakers Inc. vs. Robert and Jeri Fifer, seeking $1,009.
First Security Bank of Idaho vs. Johnathan and Jennifer Barrett, seeking $2,697.
Dwight Winchell Jr., dba Lancaster Paint and Wallpaper Co. vs. W.L. Brecheen, fdba Wallkote Painting and Decorating, seeking $2,314.
Daniel Dixon vs. Toni Hackwith, seeking $1,311.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Lue Butts, seeking $1,185.
State Farm Insurance vs. Tom Snider, seeking $1,696.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. John and Karla Schmidt, seeking $1,932.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Melaine Thorsness, seeking $2,041.
Hunter Excavation vs. Janice Bolon, seeking $1,000.
Raymond and Christine Rocha vs. Daniel Frank, seeking an amount to be proven at trial.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Ricky and Linda Minnis, seeking $1,763.
Kevin and Maureen Benz vs. Ronna McKinley, Jeff Worthington, and Michael Morin, seeking an amount to be proven at trial.
Micron Electronics Inc. vs. Northwest Micro Inc., seeking $13,892.
Kimball Home Furnishings Inc. vs. David and Patricia Volking,, dba Victorian Treasures, seeking $5,119.
Manor Care Convalescent Rehabilitation Center vs. Chris Mooney, seeking $4,755.
Avco Financial Services vs. Timothy Turner, seeking $2,903.
Civil judgments
Johnson-Rountree Inc. vs. Jennifer Smith, award of $1,007.
Anne Patterson vs. Dave Sandoval, award of $1,497.
All Star Property Management vs. Vanessa Gumm, award of $1,142.
AutoRental of Coeur d’Alene vs. Tanna Brockway, award of $1,566.
Johnson-Rountree Inc. vs. Daniel and Kristine Deem, award of $5,703.
Idaho State Industrial Commission vs. Cindy Farnam, Frank Davis, and Steve Glynn, dba , dba Advantage Mortgage-Idaho, award of $4,000.
Johnson-Rountree Inc. vs. Robert Conger, award of $1,896.
Wendy Sweitzer vs. Rick Engan, award of $10,740.
Civil dismissals
Northern Rockies Corp. vs. Susan Baker.
Cheryl Rossi vs. Matthew Smith.
Divorces granted
Marcie Hanna vs. James Hanna.
Births Kootenai Medical Center
Tyler Daniel Standish-Drapeau - 8-pound 2-ounce boy, 20 inches, born April 29 to Shelli Standish and Aaron Drapeau, Post Falls. Three brothers, Todd, Kristopher, and Blake; two sisters, Amanda and Laci; grandparents, Bill and Kerry Standish and Andy and Gerene Drapeau.
Amanda Elizabeth Oyler - 9-pound 6-ounce girl, 22 inches, born April 17 to Terry and Dale, Hayden Lake. Grandparents, Mary Beth and Rick Bowen and Dan and Connie Oyler.
Jordan James Gibbs - 8-pound 11-ounce boy, 20 inches, born April 30 to Sami and Robert, Hayden Lake. Grandparents, Sam and Gladys Morden and Jim and Pilar Gibbs.
, DataTimes