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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Local Students Honored At WSU Awards Ceremony

Compiled By Maisy Fernandez

Six Inland Northwest students attending Washington State University received awards at the 20th annual Undergraduate Research Awards, sponsored by the Faculty Association for Scholarship and Research at WSU.

John Wyrick, Spokane, a biochemistry major, was a first-place winner.

Third-place winners were Kyle Miller, a genetics and cell biology major from Colville, Wash.; Lauren Nathe, a nursing major at WSU’s Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education at Spokane; and Julia Plummer, a physics major from Spokane.

Honorable mentions went to Bryan Clode, a student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Spokane; and Drew Herion, a biochemistry major from Spokane.

Three Inland Northwest students received scholarships to attend Washington State University: Morgana Seidita, a June graduate of Gonzaga Prep, received a $1,750 Glenn Terrell Presidential Scholarship. She is the daughter of Gynne Seidita, Spokane.

Autumn Wood, a June graduate of Mead High School, received a $1,015 Scholar-in-Residence room waiver. She is the daughter of Rose Wood, Mead, and James Wood, Newport, Wash.

Carissa Mundt, a 1994 graduate of Liberty High School, Spangle, received a $200 Microbiology Alumni Scholarship. A junior, Mundt is the daughter of Pamela and Walter Mundt, Rosalia.

Kylan Yuzo Nakagawa received a $1,800 Minority Achievement Program Scholarship at Western Washington University in Bellingham. He graduated from Ferris High School with a 3.8 grade-point-average and was awarded a Certificate of Merit for his piano performance in the Greater Spokane Music and Allied Arts Festival.

He is the son of Dean and Susan Nakagawa, Spokane.

Betty Tomlinson, retired executive producer of Spokane Civic Theatre, received the prestigious national Art Cole Award for “a lifetime of leadership in community theatre” by the American Association of Community Theatre.

The award was presented at AACT’s conference in New York City. She is only the eighth person to receive it.

A few of Tomlinson’s accomplishments in Spokane Civic Theatre, of which she was a founding member, have been to help form Civic’s Community Theatre Foundation, produce the production judged “Best in America” in 1989, and train hundreds of volunteers.

Evalyn Adams, volunteer coordinator for The Spokane Food Bank and vice president of Directors of Volunteers in Agencies (DOVIA), has been appointed by Gov. Mike Lowry to serve on the Washington Commission for National and Community Service.

Two Spokane girls have been selected as finalists in the 1966 Pre-Teen Washington Scholarship and Recognition Program, an event involving girls 7 to 12 years old: Nichole Hand, daughter of Steve and Theresa Hand; and Elishia May Fredrickson, daughter of Mike and Lissa Fredrickson, Spokane.

Margaret L. Bartholomew, Spokane, has had her poem, “A Prairie Saga,” published in the anthology “A Tapestry of Thoughts.”

Women Helping Women has elected new officers and board members for 1996-97.

The officers are: Eleanor Andersen, president; Marcy Drummond and Diana Henke, vice presidents; and Sue Devaney, treasurer. Mary Joan Hahn continues as secretary.

New board members are: Linda Shea, Mary Jane Broom, Fran Hammond, Cherrill Edwina Shea and Betsy Wilkerson.

Linda James, Gay Waldman and Laura Nichols, Spokane artists, received cash prizes for their entries in last summer’s Juried Show at Art on the Green in Coeur d’Alene.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: 3 Photos

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To tell us about your achievements and good deeds, write to Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210, or 608 Northwest Blvd., Suite 200, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814.