Elections Important For Effects On Industry
Voters this week will set the nation’s course into the next century by electing a president, 34 senators and 435 congressional representatives.
Of equal importance to Inland Northwest businesses are key state and local positions that often affect industry. Two of the hottest that will be decided during Tuesday’s general election are the race for Washington governor between King County executive Gary Locke and former state senator Ellen Craswell; and insurance commissioner between incumbent Deborah Senn and challenger Anthony Lowe.
The Spokane County commission also faces change as one incumbent and three newcomers vie for two positions. Two incumbents and a pair of newcomers are competing for two Kootenai County commission seats.
In other events this week:
National Association of College Admissions Counselors hold regional college fair at the Red Lion City Center, through Tuesday. Call 703-836-2222.
Northcon/96 OEM electronics exposition and conference opens at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, through Wednesday. Call 1-800-474-6329.
U.S. Department of Commerce Department releases September construction spending.
Automotive Industry Week show opens in Las Vegas.
Harvey Meier of the Harvey A. Meier Co. speaks to the Inland Northwest Society of Consulting Professionals at 7:15 a.m. in the Ridpath Hotel. Call Bert Mills at 327-6681.
John Wagoner, manager of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Richland operations, speaks at the Project Hanford technical meeting, beginning at 9 a.m. at the TRAC Exhibition Center in Pasco. Cost: $25. Call Gwen Jones, 509-376-9419, or Carrie Crain, 509-376-2995.
Washington State Fruit Commission board of directors meets in Wenatchee.
U.S. Department of Labor releases third quarter productivity report.
Commerce Department releases second quarter state personal income.
Agri-Fiber Alternatives to grass burning forum opens at 12:30 p.m. at the Spokane Agricultural Center, 222 N. Havana. Call 533-2048.
Spokane Restaurant and Hospitality Association holds private trade-tasting at 3 p.m. at Red Lion Spokane City Center, and hosts the third annual Spokane Cork and Keg Festival, which is open to the public, at 7 p.m. Cost: $20. Call 467-7744.
Annual meeting of the Tilth Producers begins at the Sleeping Lady Lodge in Leavenworth, Wash. Call 1-800-731-1143.
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak addresses opening session of parliament in Cairo.
Pacific Northwest Rapeseed/Canola Association annual conference opens at the Best Western Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Mont. Call 509-547-5538. , DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Graphic: Sales tax receipts
MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: ON THE SHELF Business Week, Nov. 4: Laptop or desktop? Mac or PC? Business Week’s annual computer buying guide tells you how to shop for that new computer, how to pick an Internet provider and what software you need. American Demographics, November 1996: What to clean up in business? Grab a broom. The number of professional cleaners, janitors and maids are expected to jump 18 percent by 2005.
Check please The cost of food accounts for less than a third of the price of a restaurant meal, says an annual report from the National Restaurant Association. At fullservice restaurants, the salaries and wages spent to prepare and serve a meal cost about 28 cents for each dollar spent at full-service restaurants. The story is different at fast food restaurants, where food cost totals 31 cents of the dollar.
Check please The cost of food accounts for less than a third of the price of a restaurant meal, says an annual report from the National Restaurant Association. At fullservice restaurants, the salaries and wages spent to prepare and serve a meal cost about 28 cents for each dollar spent at full-service restaurants. The story is different at fast food restaurants, where food cost totals 31 cents of the dollar.