Wolf Hybrids To Be Euthanized
A judge has ordered that 40 wolf-dog hybrids seized from a Jefferson man be surrendered to the Humane Society of the Willamette Valley, where they will be euthanized.
Jayson Wollander, 50, told Marion County Circuit Judge Richard Barber on Friday he had sold some land and borrowed from his mother to raise the $39,800 he thought would save his wolf hybrids.
“I really like my animals,” Wollander said. “I certainly don’t want to see them killed.”
But Judge Richard Barber said it wasn’t enough.
Wollander was convicted last month of 37 counts of animal neglect.
Humane Society officials said conditions on Wollander’s property were abysmal, with some of the dogs found in waist-deep feces. Neighbors said the animals were running in packs and posed a threat to children or livestock.
State officials said Wollander did not have an exotic animal permit needed to keep wolf hybrids.
Wollander must pay about $39,000 to the Humane Society to help pay for the housing and care of the animals for the past four months.