Time’s Running Out; Send In Your Nominations
The 1997 Good Neighbor contest deadline is coming up quickly.
The contest gives you a chance to recognize those stellar examples of community care in your own back yard.
But letters of nomination must be received by July 14.
To nominate a neighbor, write a letter of no more than 250 words. Describe exactly what your neighbor has done to make a difference. Give us short, specific examples of what your neighbor does that makes him or her tops.
Winning neighbors receive a splendid plaque and will be featured in the North Side Voice. The whole neighborhood even gets a catered party on us.
Before writing your letter, consider talking with others on your block about who might make a good candidate. Keep a notebook, and when you start writing, remember to be concise and state specific examples of how this person has helped you and others.
Mail your letter to: Good Neighbor contest, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210-1615.
Winners will be announced on July 31.
, DataTimes