The Monitor From The Week Of July 21-27, 1997
In passing
William Hansell, pioneer in the use of circle pivot irrigation and whose hog farm in Eastern Oregon was among the nation’s largest, died Tuesday at age 76.
Retired Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, primary architect of the individual-rights revolution and one of the most influential jurists in America’s history, died Thursday in Arlington, Va. He was 91.
Ben Hogan, the stone-faced man in the white hat who survived a crippling car crash to become one of the greatest golfers ever, died Friday in Fort Worth, Texas. He was 84.
President Clinton Tuesday approved a plan aimed at reducing the dramatic disparity in the amounts of crack and powder cocaine it takes to draw a five-year federal sentence.
This Week
Monday: President Clinton speaks to the National Governors’ Association.
Tuesday: Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearings continue on campaign finance abuses.
, DataTimes