Highlights Of The Plan
Here are the highlights of the Medicare reform bill:
Premiums would continue to cover 25 percent of Medicare Part B, which pays for doctors’ bills.
Medical savings accounts would be offered to only 500,000 people as a four-year demonstration project.
Medicare malpractice awards for pain and suffering would be capped at $250,000.
Medicare hospital payments would be frozen for one year.
Doctors and hospitals could form provider-sponsored organizations, similar to health maintenance organizations which are primarily owned by insurance companies.
Deductibles would be waived for mammograms and pap smears.
Medicare would cover screenings for prostate and colorectal cancers and offer tests and training for diabetes patients.
People or companies convicted three times of defrauding a federal health program would be barred from any federal health program including Medicare.
Home health agencies, ambulance services, medical equipment suppliers and rehabilitation agencies would have to post $50,000 surety bonds.