Valley Pools Hoping For Sun To Warm Up The Water For Swim Lessons
Pray for sunshine and heat this weekend. Hot, hot, hot is the general idea.
“We’re ready. All we need now is for the water to warm up,” said Wyn Birkenthal, county parks and recreation director.
That’s because the three county pools in the Spokane Valley are full of water, waiting for the start of swimming lessons on Monday.
The county Parks and Recreation Department offers swim lessons for children as young as 3 years old - or younger, with their parents. Red Cross approved lessons also are offered, up to advanced levels.
The pools are at Valley Mission Park, Park Road and Terrace View Park. Lessons are given in two-week sessions, with costs of either $20 or $25, depending on the course. Sessions begin on June 23, July 7, July 21 and Aug. 4.
Public swim times are also offered Monday through Friday in the afternoon and, at Valley Mission only, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Cost is $1 for adults or children 6 years and over. Children 5 and under swim free, when accompanied by a paying adult.
For more information, pick up a youth recreation guide at any county library branch. Or call 456-4730.
McCaslin plans town meeting
Spokane County Commissioner Kate McCaslin will hold her second quarterly town hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Ferris High School. The two-hour meeting, to be held in the school cafeteria, will focus on concerns and issues of residents in the southern region of McCaslin’s district, but other issues may be brought up. Future meetings will be held in Liberty Lake, Spangle, Fairfield and central Valley areas.
Carnival of Safety award
Last year’s Kids’ Carnival of Safety summer program, run by Valley Hospital and Medical Center, has been named the best safety program in the state for medium-sized hospitals.
The Washington State Healthcare Safety Council presented the award.
This summer’s program will be July 31 at Valley Hospital.
Children learn water safety, fire prevention, first aid and bicycle skills. Parents can have their children video-taped and fingerprinted for identification purposes. For more information, call 924-6650.
SCOPE yard sale
Yard-salers can indulge their hobby and help out a public service on Saturday at the SCOPE East yard sale.
Everything from a microwave oven to odds and ends will be up for sale, at Clyde Starr’s residence, next to the KOA campground on Barker Road.
Starr, who is president of SCOPE East, said the proceeds will help buy supplies and other general expenses. Also, SCOPE East is looking for new quarters, Starr said, to remedy a lack of parking in its current location.
The yard sale, which was rained out two weekends ago, will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
SCOPE WV to meet
SCOPE West Valley plans to hold its monthly community meeting Thursday at the Millwood Town Hall.
The 7 p.m. meeting is open to the public. The Millwood Town Hall is located at 9103 E. Frederick.
, DataTimes