City Has Designs On Yardley With Extension Of Sewers To Area
You should be aware that the City of Spokane is going ahead with extension of sewers into the Yardley industrial area.
The first extension is projected as far as Thierman Road. The next phase will continue to Park Road.
In a draft of an Interlocal Agreement, “Joint Planning Urban Growth Areas,” which was prepared by the Spokane Planning Department, this statement appears: “the County agrees not to oppose the City’s use of the annexation-utility connection covenant within the Joint Planning Area. The City may use these covenants in lieu of property owner signatures on annexation petitions.”
Bill Johns, county engineer, says that in this case no waivers can be sought by the city so even if the interlocal agreement is approved, in the course of the Growth Management Act actions, it would not affect this specific area.
Now, maybe Mr. Johns knows something I don’t know. But I have to believe that Spokane is pretty sure of its case or it wouldn’t have put sewers in there in the first place. It wouldn’t now be going ahead with expansion of sewers in that area if there was nothing to be gained, such as through annexation of a tax-rich industrial area.
I’m sure the profit from sewers has to be minimal, at best. More likely it does well to just break even. Spokane charges an 18 percent utility tax, but this would hardly justify the millions of dollars that will have to be invested.
There can be only one thing that would justify Spokane undertaking this project: Property taxes!
I would think that rather than taking Mr. Johns’ word for it, the county darn well better take it to court!
In the meantime, the county better stop the intrusion into that area until a determination is made. If the ruling would favor Spokane the county commissioners should put a stop to the whole project before a shovel full of dirt is turned.