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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Burglars Hit Homes, Businesses

Burglars hit more than a dozen Valley homes and businesses last week, stealing thousands of dollars in property and thus far eluding police.

The thieves took guns, televisions, jewelry and other valuables. They also swiped candy, pop and cigarettes, Sheriff’s deputies said.

About half of the burglaries took place within six blocks of the intersection of Sprague and Park. Investigators suspect they are related. It appears the burglars wore gloves to prevent leaving behind fingerprints, deputies said. They entered the buildings by kicking in doors, breaking windows or finding unlocked entries.

The thieves hit homes and businesses on Sprague, Pines, Park, Havana, Blake, Broad, Euclid, Nixon and Vista. The spate started Tuesday and ended last Friday, deputies said.

One business reported $10,000 in tools missing. They belonged to an employee and were engraved with the initials “WRL.”

One resident lost five rifles, two pistols, two revolvers and a shotgun, as well stereo equipment, jewelry, silverware, two cameras, four tires and a television.

Another victim found only candy and a cordless screwdriver missing, deputies said.

Anyone with information on these crimes should call Crime Check at 456-2233.

, DataTimes