Lottery numbers
Saturday’s Washington Daily Game:
Saturday’s Washington Lotto: 3-5-11-16-20-37.
No winner. Next jackpot $2.3 million.
Saturday’s Washington Lucky for Life: 1-31-40-46.
Saturday’s Washington Keno: 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-17-19-22-28-32-34- 43-50-56-61-68-69-70.
Saturday’s Quinto hand:
Q“, J“, 10“, 7“, J“.
No winner. Next jackpot $900,000.
Saturday’s Powerball:
2-3-13-29-52. Power Ball: 25
Saturday’s Wild Card:
01-05-12-13-16. Wild Card: J“.
Saturday’s Montana Cash: 07-11-27-30-33.
Today in history
1866: Ulysses S. Grant was named General of the Army, the first officer to hold the rank.
1868: Congress passed an act creating the Wyoming Territory.
1946: The United States detonated an atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific in the first underwater test of the device.
1963: The United States, Soviet Union and Britain initialed a treaty in Moscow prohibiting the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, space or underwater.
2000: A New York-bound Air France Concorde crashed outside Paris shortly after takeoff, killing all 109 people on board and four people on the ground.