Lottery numbers
Saturday’s Washington Daily Game: 421.
Saturday’s Lotto: 1-7-14-23-34-42.
Two winners. Next jackpot $1 million.
Saturday’s Lucky for Life: 2-36-58-76.
Sat. Keno: 1-11-12-14-20-21-23-37-38- 40-41-46-48-58-64-65-68-74-75-77
Sat. Quinto: J•, 3•, 3•, A•, 5•.
No winner. Next jackpot $2.1 million.
Saturday’s Powerball: 5-26-39-41-42.
Power Ball: 39.
Sat. Wild Card: 3-11-14-22-28.
Wild Card: Q•.
Saturday’s Montana Cash: 8-17-18-20-34
Today in history
1918: The World War I Battle of Belleau Wood, which resulted in a U.S. victory over the Germans, began in France.
1944: The D-Day invasion of Europe took place during World War II as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France.
1968:Senator Robert F. Kennedy died at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, a day after he was shot by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.
1978: California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 13, an initiative calling for major cuts in property taxes.
1984: Government forces in India stormed the Golden Temple in Amritsar in an effort to crush Sikh extremists. At least 1,000 Sikhs and 200 soldiers were killed.