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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review

Catholic Charities St. Margaret’s Shelter – Needs weekend and evening volunteers to play games or do crafts with shelter’s children, up to age 11. Participants must be at least age 16 or older. For more information, contact Sue at 624-9788 or e-mail

Cancer Patient Care – The Loreen Miller Bike event is June 12 and 13. Volunteers are needed to help with the event. Call Ali at 456-0446 or e-mail

Spokane YOUTH Volunteers – The United Way Volunteer Center is organizing projects for youths, ages 11-18, this summer at various nonprofit agencies. Weeklong project on the Centennial Trail begins the week of June 21, other projects to follow. For an application, contact Mary Mapes at 838-6581 or e-mail marym@unitedwayspokane, org.

Catholic Charities House of Charity – Drivers are needed to pick up donated food and clothing. Volunteers must have a valid driver’s license and be able to lift heavy boxes. There is a van available. Call Karen at 358-4254.

Interfaith Hospitality Network of Spokane – Day center hosts are needed to greet families at 7 a.m., welcome guests , answer questions, make coffee, take phone messages, as well as some light cleaning and office duties. Call Candy at 747-5487.

Spokane County Domestic Violence Consortium – Volunteers are needed for the children’s waiting room. Must be 18 years old and willing to spend time with children and assist staff with providing attention to children whose parents are in court. Call Gary at 477-6815.

Moran Prairie Book Sale – Volunteers are needed to sort books prior to the June 11 and 12 sale as well as help during the sale at the Old Fire Station in front of Albertsons on 57th and Regal. For information, call Mary Sullivan at 443-6663

This list is a sample of opportunities included on the United Way of Spokane County Volunteer Solutions Web site. For a complete list visit