Zach fires his rifle at Greenlee, Ryan on ‘All My Children’
A hidden Zach fired his rifle at Greenlee and Ryan. After Jonathan told Greenlee that he suspected Kendall shot at Ryan, an angry Greenlee tried to run her down. Later, Greenlee wondered if her strange behavior might be caused by a brain tumor and agreed to Maria’s suggestion that she have an MRI. Krystal lied to Adam that Bess is JR’s daughter and not Bianca’s. Meanwhile, Babe realized that Bianca still didn’t know that Miranda (Bess) is alive. Wait to See: Babe had a plan to get the truth to Bianca. Kendall and Bianca lure JR into a trap.
As soon as she returned, Sierra laid down the law to Craig. Carly was devastated by Jack’s latest request. Alison and Aaron tried to prepare themselves for the worst. Barbara was shocked at what she overheard Hal say. Paul was surprised at Rosanna’s decision. Wait to See: Julia wins one over Carly. Barbara prepares to take over Emily’s household. Katie opens Pandora’s box.
Thorne urged Eric, Stephanie and Brooke to ignore Ridge’s ultimatum and allow Nick to carry Spectra in Jackie M boutiques. After Rick told a shaken Caitlin they should not wait for each other while he’s in Milan, Thomas offered her his emotional support. Brooke accused Ridge of acting out of jealousy because Eric had called Thorne his only son. Deacon and Jackie discovered she owns the entire chain of boutiques. Wait to See: Jackie makes a difficult decision.
Lexie decided to send Abe to a special eye clinic. Hope became increasingly concerned about Shawn’s behavior. Bo received a call from Billie. Sami was upset when Brandon said he would stay in Salem while Abe needs him. Hope got news about the missing Salemites. Meanwhile, Marlena and Roman wondered what Tony was up to. Wait to See: Lucas makes a decision about Sami. Billie prepares to leave town.
Jason comforted Sam, who accused Sonny of being glad their baby didn’t survive. Lois used her charms to keep Alcazar from self-destructing. Durant arranged for Ric to get a copy of the evidence to use against Sonny. Luke kissed Skye. Carly was trapped in the fire she set to destroy the evidence against Sonny. Nikolas confessed to killing Helena. Wait to See: Luke, Skye and Tracy set a trap for Heather.
Harley turned to Gus to help ease her guilty conscience. Mindy reunited with the remaining Musketeers to reminisce about Phillip. Reva revisited her past with a “splash.” Michelle and Tony made their feelings for each other quite apparent. Wait to See: Harley takes a risk to save Buzz. Holly uses Sebastian’s weakness against him. Cassie and Edmund start a new chapter in their lives.
After their loving reunion, Natalie told Cristian that Tico is Jessica’s husband and Antonio’s brother. Paul’s body mysteriously turned up in the hospital. Kevin implied to Margaret that if she helped him, he could get Todd away from Blair. David went to Pine Valley with Kelly to meet Krystal, who had called her about Ace. In Pine Valley, John questioned Bianca and Kendall about David. Back in Llanview, Adriana learned that Duke had returned. Tico set a trap for Cristian and made plans to force Antonio to assassinate the governor. Wait to See: Nora grows suspicious of Lindsay and Jen.
Paloma fainted when she learned that Martin, who had raised her as if she were his daughter, really was her biological father. Urged by Julian to fight for her marriage, Eve went to see TC, only to find him and Liz throwing away mementos of her (Eve’s) life with him. Whitney reconsidered her deceptive plans for her unborn child after Ivy said how Ethan had been hurt by her (Ivy’s) efforts to make Julian believe he (Julian) was Eathan’s father. Wait to See: Tabitha and Endora have a Thanksgiving celebration complete with conjured-up pilgrims.
Michael told Kevin he’ll help him take charge of his life. Neil reached out to Malcolm, who rejected him. Later, Neil shocked Lily and Dru when he asked Devon to come home with them. Dominic’s lies led Detective Weber to accuse Phyllis of luring Dominic to the motel room, where she and Damon could kill him. Nikki told Jack she enjoys the crowd’s attention when she performs at the club. Harrison told Jill that Arthur’s guilt can be proved if he (Arthur) takes out a life insurance policy on Kay. Wait to See: Jill decides to “save” Kay.