Planned improvements
The Freeman School District is proposing an $11.7 million bond to renovate and expand both the district’s elementary school and high school. The bond proposal, which would increase property taxes $1.95 per $1,000 assessed valuation, includes the following planned improvements:
High school – 17,000 square feet of new construction
•Four new classrooms
•New multipurpose/cafeteria and kitchen space
•Expand gymnasium and performing arts space
•Upgrade heating, ventilation and electrical systems
•Add handicap accessibility
•Parking lot improvements, including separate areas for buses and parent pick-up and drop-off
•Improve exterior security
•New interior furnishings and remodeling
Elementary school – 7,000 square feet of new construction
•Three new classrooms
•New multipurpose room, cafeteria and kitchen space connecting the middle school and elementary school
•Upgrade heating, ventilation and electrical systems
•Handicap accessibility
•Parking lot improvements
•Traffic and bus flow management
•New interior furnishings and remodeled interior
•Improve exterior security
Districtwide improvements
•A new maintenance shop and bus barn, located across Jackson Road from the high school
•Upgrade and consolidate water system for drinking water and fire protection
•New maintenance, administration and storage space