Week in review
Valley Fire – Commissioners voted to contract with Eljay Oil Co. for all their fuel and oil. The new contract will save money from the previous contract. They had the first reading of a resolution to compensate the civil service commissioners $70 per meeting. Beginning in September the commissioners will meet on the first and third Mondays of each month. (Source: Commissioner Joe Dawson)
Edgecliff SCOPE – A representative from Fairmont Cemetery gave an update on Woodlawn Cemetery, which is expected to open this fall. The cemetery was abandoned and in disrepair when SCOPE volunteers cleaned it up and began watering the grass. They then persuaded Spokane County to let Fairmont take over maintenance. Volunteers are making plans to have a float in the Valleyfest parade. There will be a car wash fund-raiser at Sprague and Mullan next Saturday. People getting their cars washed will get a free hot dog, and there will be activities for kids. (Source: President Rick Scott)