ABC Discovery Child-care Center – Volunteers are needed to read to children, participate in musical and educational programs, and accompany children on special outings. Volunteers must be at least 18. Call Diana at 838-4246 or e-mail dianeg@giin.org.
March of Dimes Fund-raiser – Volunteers are needed for the “Jail and Bail” fund-raiser Thursday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Court. Be a judge or a photographer, or help with administrative duties. Call Lisa at 328-1920, or e-mail lkaley@marchofdimes.com.
Project MOVE Mentoring Program – Volunteers are needed to mentor youths with disabilities during transitions to college or the workplace by sharing experiences of achieving employment and education goals. Call Cathy at 328-2310, or e-mail cathy@theinitiative.ws.
VOICES for Opportunity, Income, Childcare, Education and Support – Volunteers are needed for the speaker’s bureau, monthly newspaper and other committees. If you are interested in helping low-income people actively become part of the poverty solution, call Cathy at 326-4135 or e-mail mann@snapwa.org.
Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant – Several volunteer opportunities are available, including drivers, kitchen help, servers, greeters and much more. Call Terry at 324-1995, or e-mail wcfrestaurant@qwest.net.