Young man, woman found dead after crash on Conklin Park Road
A young man and woman were found dead from an automobile accident Wednesday morning alongside Conklin Park Road in the south end of Kootenai County, according to the Sheriff’s Department.
Gerald A. Tinney Jr., 22, and Samantha M. Alexander, 18, both from the Plummer and Worley area, were pronounced dead at the scene.
Sheriff’s deputies and Worley Ambulance were dispatched at 5 a.m. after a passer-by apparently called in the accident, said Sheriff’s Capt. Ben Wolfinger.
A preliminary investigation shows that a 1988 Toyota Camry Wagon was heading east on Conklin Park Road near Sunny Slopes Road when it failed to negotiate a left hand curve and went into the ditch, according to the Sheriff’s Department.
The vehicle rolled, partially ejecting Tinney and Alexander, who apparently were not wearing seat belts. They were found trapped under the car, Wolfinger said.
The accident is still under investigation, and it was uncertain Wednesday who was driving and whether alcohol or drugs were involved.
Fire Department testing city’s hydrants
The Coeur d’Alene Fire Department is testing and flushing all 1,800 fire hydrants throughout the city to make sure that they are working properly, the department announced Wednesday.
Fire crews will be out every day the rest of the summer and into the fall to test the hydrants.
Fire code requires that all fire hydrants are clear of obstructions for 36 inches, and fire crews will leave notices on cars parked too close.
The Fire Department is asking the public’s help to identify hydrants that are obstructed or not visible. Call the Coeur d’Alene Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Bureau at 769-2245.
Purple Heart Honor Roll being updated
Locals are updating the Purple Heart Honor Roll in the Ronald D. Rankin Veterans Memorial Plaza at the Kootenai County Administration Building.
The honor roll currently includes the names of 131 Kootenai County soldiers who were wounded in action from World War I through Iraq. It was last updated in 2003.
Anyone who knows of a local Purple Heart recipient is asked to contact Kerri Rankin Thoreson before Sept. 30. A copy of their award certificate, which includes name, branch of service and where they served, can be mailed to the Ronald D. Rankin Veterans Memorial Plaza, PO Box 9000, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814, Attn: Purple Heart.
To confirm whether someone is already listed, check the Purple Heart Honor Roll in the Hall of Heroes at the Kootenai County Administration Building or e-mail Thoreson at
The Purple Heart was established on Aug. 7, 1782, during the Revolutionary War and is awarded in the name of the president of the United States to members of the Armed Forces who are wounded in conflict with an enemy force or who are killed in action. Of the more than 1.5 million recipients of the Purple Heart, approximately 550,000 are still living.
ISU students lead nation’s graduates in debt
Pocatello, Idaho
Idaho State University students are getting more than a degree on graduation day. Many of them are leaving the university with a lot of debt.
According to U.S. News and World Report’s 2006 collegiate rankings, ISU leads the nation among public universities with an average debt of $29,467. The rankings also show that 69 percent of ISU grads leave school owing money.
ISU officials say the students may have higher debt because they qualify for more financial aid than those at other universities. About 70 percent of ISU students are classified as independent students – compared to 30 percent nationwide – and that makes them eligible to receive more financial aid than those students still dependent on parents.