Official records
Spokane County
Marriage licenses
Reza S. Calili and Yael Ramot, both of Houston.
Justin M. Anest and Samantha G. Swecker, both of Spokane.
Carey A. Blackmon and Cody K. Taylor, both of Spokane.
William L. Runions and Jennifer L. Reed, both of Spokane.
Craig D. Williams and Jennifer S. Carr, both of Spokane Valley.
Randy G. Brownell and Jacquelynn A. Flexer, both of Spokane.
Paul J. Hendrickson and Rachel A. Strait, both of Spokane Valley.
Jeremy G. Furman and Valerie J. Crawford, both of Spokane.
Ryan M. McLucas and Lindsay B. Green, both of Spokane.
Robert A. Browne of Colville, and Jan M. Gorman of Hayden, Idaho.
Eric T. McReynolds of Veradale, and Amber L. Foster of Spokane Valley.
Matthew G. Roman and Wendy M. McCall, both of Spokane.
William M. Elmer and Nicole Corbett, both of Spokane.
Leonard W. Richardson and Erica L. Stargell, both of Spokane.
Daniel N. Simmons and Kelli M, McInnis, both of Medical Lake.
In the courts Superior courts
New suits
American Property Management v. Chris Hamilton, et al., restitution of premises.
Margaret C. Breeden v. Karen Robbins, restitution of premises.
Becker Management Inc. v. Margaret Kamp, et al., restitution of premises.
TSRP v. Suzanne O. Klaus, et al., restitution of premises.
Beverly A. Gleason, et al., v. Calvin D. Hardesty, et al., money claimed owed.
MMW v. Linda Watson, restitution of premises.
Neil Walden v. Larry H. Campbell, et al., restitution of premises.
Citibank South Dakota v. Wendy R. Frankel, money claimed owed.
Marriage dissolution petitions
Wegner, Rex D. and Letitia N.
Bakken, Marissa A. and Glenn A.
Sobottke, Julia A. and Paul.
Marriage dissolutions granted
Clements, Alice J. and Joey Sr.
Howard, Clayton E. and Sherri L.
Criminal sentencings
Judge Greg Sypolt
Timothy A. Finley, 29; one day in jail with credit given for one day served, after being found guilty of possession of a controlled substance – cocaine.
Judge Robert D. Austin
Ryan E. Hughes, 35; $260 restitution, three days in jail with credit given for three days served, after pleading guilty to forgery.
Nathan E. McPherson, 22; 30 days in jail with credit given for five days served, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine.
Mitchell W. Houston, 18; four months in jail, after pleading guilty to second degree burglary/domestic violence.
Perry T. Ashelman, 22; 57 months in prison, 18 months probation, after being found guilty of custodial assault.
Michael W. Edlefsen, 37; 20 months in prison with credit given for 155 days served, after pleading guilty to residential burglary/domestic violence; 16 months in prison with credit given for 155 days served, 18 months probation, concurrent with above sentence, after pleading guilty to third degree assault; 29 months in prison with credit given for 155 days served, 18 months probation, concurrent with above sentences, after pleading guilty to violation of a domestic violence criminal protection order.
Kelly D. Dial, 43; 12 months and one day in prison, 12 months probation, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
Eldorado F. Brown, 22; $105 restitution, 14 months in prison, after pleading guilty to second degree theft.
Richard K. Miller, 43; 52 days in jail with credit given for 52 days served, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance – hydrocodone.
Daniel Hopson, aka Ernest Daniel Hopson, 53; $80,000 restitution, 30 days in jail, after pleading guilty to first degree theft.
Lenny R. Blair, 45; 13 months in prison with credit given for 67 days served, after pleading guilty to attempted first degree theft.
Federal court
Bankruptcy petitions
Lester M. Crutcher, Newport, debts of $26,032.
Christina M. Smith, Fairchild Air Force Base, debts of $21,756.
David A. and Fay M. Ohlemacher, Otis Orchards, debts of $236,806.
Ann M. Delano, 6010 N. Nettleton, debts of $88,800.
Idris A. R. Gilliard, 612 S. Lincoln, debts of $51,470.
Shawn M. Shea, 6424 N. Royal Dr., debts of $22,050.
David G. Hooper, Ione, debts of $295,542.
James A. and Shirley J. Perkins, 3911 W. Rockwell, debts of $152,063.
Helen M. Frye, 2902 N. Stone, debts of $21,697.
Linda R. Black, 548 E. Everett, debts of $51,043.
Sharilyn M. Cabe, 3818 N. Cook, debts of $16,830.
Michael R. and Valerie B. Coffey, 2624 W. Broad Ave., debts of $159,805.
Michelle A. Davies, 1124 E. Bismark Ave., debts of $15,594.
Michael B. and Cynthia G. Foster, 1717 N. Regal, debts of $161,248.
Wage earner petitions
Venus A. Long, Moses Lake, debts unspecified.
Blas Ortiz Jr., 1643 E. Bismark Ave., debts unspecified.
Kristie L. Vaughn, 304 E. Everett, debts of $10,045.
District courts
Only fines of $125 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.
Judge Patti M. Walker
Manuel J. Trujillo, 21; 11 days in jail with credit given for 11 days served, reckless driving; 11 days in jail with credit given for 11 days served, theft; 11 days in jail with credit given for 11 days served, second degree driving with license suspended amended to third degree driving with license suspended.
Judge Gregory J. Tripp
Joseph J. Sawyer, 19; $1,000 fine, one day in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated amended to first degree negligent driving.
Jason E. Rosslow, 33; $500 fine, 24 months probation, physical control of a vehicle while intoxicated amended to first degree negligent driving.
Christopher N. Ryan, 25; $823 fine, one day in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Aaron M. Skeels, 22; $823 fine, three days in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Teri J. Swanson, 24; $538 fine, driving while intoxicated amended to second degree negligent driving.
Kenneth S. Thornberry, 29; $1,078 fine, two days in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Laurie J. Wendlandt, 44; $823 fine, one day in jail, 24 months probation, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Donna Wilson
Robert L. Singleton, 44; 13 days in jail with credit given for three days served, violation of civil anti-harassment order.