Courage and strength

Having and raising a child has changed my life in so many ways. It was the hardest choice I have ever made – – to decide to bring a child into this world and make sure that I do my part so he can have a happy and successful life. I had to step up to the plate and sacrifice the last part of my childhood so I could make sure that my son has the best chance at this world possible. I also had to go through some personal changes to be able to put myself into a responsible mother’s position instead of a teenager’s.
My son is my pride and joy. Everything I do is for him. I realize that graduating high school is going to make his future better. I found out that I was pregnant the first week of my freshman year, and since then I have been dedicated to my schooling. I want my son to see that his mother is and will be a successful person.
There were many times that I felt like giving up on everything I had worked so hard for. Sometimes I would ask my mother why this world has to be so cruel to people. She would act like a coach and talk me through the problem and give me the encouragement to go back out there and try it again until I succeeded. My mom always says that even if life throws you curve balls and changes your plans, you have to take them on one at a time.
This experience has taken a great deal of courage and strength. It is a daily struggle to try and be a great mother while I am also trying to be a good student. I have had to go through a great deal of self-discipline that most teenagers will never have to go through, but I know it will pay off in the end because I will have a great bond and relationship with my son.
Attending Havermale since my freshman year has been a great experience for me. Having a child is very difficult at times, but attending a high school that understands my situation and offers services and programs that fit my needs has made a world of difference to me. The Havermale child care has always been great with my son. When I was pregnant, I took an elective class in the child care, and I knew that my son was always going to be loved and kept safe. When I returned to school the following September, I enrolled him in the child care when he was just 3 months old. I always went down to the child care to check on him, and he was always having so much fun. Now that he is almost 3 and still attending the child care, he wakes up every morning and looks forward to going.
The last four years that I have been at Havermale, the teachers and programs have always been understanding and supportive of me. I have always been encouraged to continue doing a great job. Those extra pats on the back and “good jobs” have been such a big help to my success. Now that I will be done with my high school credits in the fall of 2005, I know that my success was not only from my determination, but also because of the great amount of support and encouragement that I received from Havermale.