Government almanac
Spokane City Council
3:30 p.m. Monday, Council Chambers, City Hall, briefing on March 14 meeting and approval of routine items.
6 p.m. Monday, Council Chambers, City Hall, council to consider proposal to restrict neighborhood council membership to city residents only. Also, a proposal to sell parking lots near the Spokane Arena to the Spokane Public Facilities District for $1.1 million is up for action.
Spokane County commissioners
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Commissioners office, county Courthouse, executive briefing.
2 p.m. Tuesday, Commissioners Assembly Room, Public Works Building, consideration of makeup of county Planning Commission, then hearings on proposed amendments to the county comprehensive land-use plan.
Spokane Valley City Council
Regular meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave.
Topics include: sign regulations, library annexation, garage sale restrictions, Centennial Trail maintenance, assessment reimbursement area, stormwater ordinance and the comprehensive plan’s discussion draft chapter on capital facilities.
Spokane Public Facilities District
2 p.m. Tuesday, Doubletree Hotel, third floor board room, continued work on expansion of convention center and policy on complimentary tickets.
Spokane Plan Commission
12 p.m. Wednesday, Council briefing center, City Hall, conservation and stormwater control in the Hazel Creek area of southeast Spokane, six-year street program and presentation of draft of new residential zoning code.
County Parks Advisory Committee
3 p.m. Wednesday, 404 N. Havana, acquisition of park property on south side, possible relocation of park offices and ongoing projects.