Mickey and Minnie Mouse collectibles
Q: I have more than 3,000 Mickey and Minnie Mouse collectibles ranging from Christmas ornaments to cookie jars. Whom can I contact to liquidate this fascinating collection? — Raymond, Ridgecrest, Calif.
A: Your collection is probably quite valuable, so you have to get several opinions before you make a final decision. Doug Wengel is an appraiser who specializes in Disney items, and he might be a good person to contact first. His address is P.O. Box 305, Skillman, NJ 08558. Two clubs that might also be helpful are the National Fantasy Fan Club for Disneyana, P.O. Box 280681, Northridge, CA 91328; and the Mouse Club East, 11 Turnbull Ave., Wakefield, MA 01880.
I also highly recommend the auction services of Ted Hake, P.O. Box 1444, York, PA 17405. Incidentally, the fifth edition of The Official Hake’s Price Guide to Character Toys has been issued, and it is both informative and what I believe is one of the better references for toys. This massive volume is a bargain at $35 and available through House of Collectibles, The Crown Publishing Company, 299 Park Ave., New York, NY 10171.
Q: During the 1940s while living in California, I discovered the ceramics of Kay Finch. Her studio was in Santa Rosa, and she specialized in small animal figurines and flower containers in pastel colors. Is there any market for these now? — Jean, Nags Head, N.C.
A: Frances Finch Webb is an expert and author of The New Kay Finch Field Identification Guide. Her address is 1589 Gretel Lane, Mountain View, CA 94040.
Q: I have a piece of graniteware porcelain that is hallmarked “G.P. co.” and am curious about the company. Can you help me? — Susan, Austin, Texas
A: I tracked down the mark in Kovel’s New Dictionary of Marks: Pottery & Porcelain 1850 to the Present by Ralph and Terry Kovel (Crown, $17.95). Your piece was made by the Greenwood Pottery Company of Trenton, N.J. According to the Kovels, the company was founded in about 1868 and continued until 1933. During that time various trade names were used.