Lottery numbers
Wednesday’s Wash. Daily Game: 0-2-0.
Wed. Lotto: 1-7-8-15-17-36.
No winner. Next jackpot $5.2 million.
Wed. Keno: 4-10-12-13-14-19-27-30-35- 41-45-47-53-58-59-71-73-74-79-80.
Wed. Quinto: A (spade), Q (spade), 3 (spade), K (diamond), 8 (club).
No winner. Next jackpot $990,000.
Wednesday’s Powerball: 2-15-25-30-45.
Power Ball: 17.
Wednesday’s Wild Card: 2-18-24-25-27. Wild Card: Q(heart).
Wed. Montana Cash: 5-22-24-32-34.
Today in history
1973: The Yom Kippur War erupted as Egypt and Syria attacked Israel.
1995: Boeing Co.’s largest group of union workers went on a 69-day strike.
2005: The top U.S. arms inspector in Iraq, Charles Duelfer, reported finding no evidence Saddam Hussein had produced weapons of mass destruction after 1991.