Nine dump passes available Saturday
Dump passes for the Northwest neighborhood will be given out at 10 a.m. Saturday at the COPS Northwest substation, 2215 W. Wellesley Ave., Suite D, next to the laundry at Shadle Center.
Nine passes will be issued, one to a person, on a first-come, first-served basis. A driver’s license or a utility bill is required to verify area of residence.
The passes are valued at $20 and are valid Sept. 10 to 18.
The Northwest Neighborhood Association covers the area west of Ash to the Spokane River bounded by Francis on the north, to Fairview, Belt and Indiana on the south, including Westgate and Northwest Terrace.
The Balboa/South Indian Trail Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 tonight outside at Balboa Elementary School, 3010 W. Holyoke Ave. On the agenda will be discussion about the meeting with North Indian Trail and Five Mile neighbors and pursuing a building moratorium until impact fees can be apportioned to developers. Also on the agenda are the upcoming residential zoning code meetings.
“Neva-Wood COPS will meet at 6:30 tonight, 4705 N. Addison St. Refreshments provided. Parking available across the street to the east at the Zion Church.
“The Five Mile Prairie Neighborhood Council will meet at 6:30 tonight at the Five Mile Grange, Strong and Five Mile Road.
“The Bemiss Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 p.m. next Thursday at the Northeast Community Center, 4001 N. Cook.
“The North Hill Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 p.m., next Thursday at Willard Elementary School, 500 W. Longfellow.