Senior dancing
Ballroom Dancing – Thursdays from 7:30-9:45 p.m., Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. Cost is $3.50. For more information, call 535-0803.
Dinner and Ballroom Dancing – The Brotherhood of Friends Lodge, 933 W. Third Ave., is offering dinner and ballroom dancing every Friday and Saturday night. Dinner is served from 6-9 p.m. and dancing is from 6:30-10:30 p.m. For information, call the B.O.F. at 624-5159.
Tap dancing – Sessions are Mondays at 2:30 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. The cost is $10 per session. Call 535-0803 for more information.
Saturday Night Dancing – with the Touch of Class at the Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. For information, call 327-2861.