Recreation calendar
Aug. 20: Spokane Eagle Sportswear 18-U Girls Fastpitch Softball team will be holding tryouts at the Whitworth College Softball Field at 10 a.m. For more information, contact Fuzzy Buckenberger at 993-8888.
Aug. 20: Spokane Eagles Sportswear 12-U girls fastpitch team will conduct tryouts at 3 p.m. at Hart Field. For more information, contact Pat Fiorillo at 467-6934 or e-mail
Aug. 26: Spokane Crash 10-U and 12-U teams will be conducting tryouts. For more information, call 467-2295 or e-mail
Aug. 26-27: Tryout for the 18-U Spokane Crash girls fastpitch team. Info: 509-467-2295 or email
Sign up: Spokane North Little League Fall baseball program for ages 8-14. Games will begin Sept. 9 and finish in mid-October. There will be 10 games. Cost: $50, which includes a hat and shirt. Info: or call 465-0724.
Sign up: Mead Little League Fall baseball program for ages 8-14. Games will begin Sept. 9 and finish in mid-October. There will be 10 games. Cost: $50, which includes a hat and shirt. Info: or call 465-0724.
Sign up: Fall leagues for coed and men’s Class D, starting Aug. 27. Register by Aug. 20. Cost: $315 for seven games. Info: Steve Vogel, 208-699-1773.
Sign up: SYSA Fall Baseball for ages 9-18. Practices begin week of Aug. 28. Register by Aug. 18. Cost: $50. Info: Grace, 536-1800 ext. 107 or
Aug. 26-27: 3-on-3 Coeur d’Alene Shootout at North Idaho College. Registration available at the NIC Athletics office inside Christianson Gym, at The Sports Cellar located on 402 Sherman Ave. or at Registrations are due by Aug. 18. Cost: $90 per team. Info: (208) 769-5975.
Sign up: Spokane Basketball year-round adult men’s league, begins Aug. 27 and 30. Cost: $90 individual, $570 team. Info: 487-3644 or
Sept. 7: U.S. Coast Guard approved America’s Boating Course for all types of boaters – power, sail, PWC, paddler, hunter, angler. Runs four consecutive Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. Cost: $40 per person. Info: 328-6165.
Aug. 26-27: North Idaho College Outdoor Pursuits overnight kayak/canoe trip at the Chain Lakes, near Harrison. Registration is required by Aug. 22. Cost: $30, $60 for those who want to rent a boat from Outdoor Pursuits. Info: (208) 769-7809.
Aug. 19: Route of the Hiawatha Bike Tour, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ages 10 and older. Meet at Sacajawea Middle School. Cost: $49. Info: 625-6200.
Sept. 30: DAM2DAM “Thumbs Up!” Bike Tour will be held at Lincoln Rock State Park in East Wenatchee. The event will offer riders a 25-, 50-, or 100-mile route along the Columbia River. All riders welcome. Proceeds will benefit the Mike Utley Foundation. Cost: $75 per rider and will include a Tyvek jacket, refreshments at rest stops and a goodie bag at check-in. Register by Aug. 22 and riders will receive the entire package for $60. Info: 1-800-294-4683 or register online at
Sign up: SYSA Flag Football for kids in grades 1-6. Practices begin week of Aug. 28. Cost: $65. Info: Ron at 536-1800 ext. 106.
Aug. 15: The mandatory state rules clinic for high school football coaches and referees will be held at Coeur d’Alene High School. Registration is at 6 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7. For more information, call commissioner Jim Kravik at 771-0953.
Sign up: Spokane North and Mead Little Leagues are seeking umpires for Little League baseball for the fall and spring seasons. These will be paid positions. No experience necessary. Prefer 16 or older. Info: 465-0724 or
Aug. 12: Tour of Peaceful Valley/Browne’s Addition, 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $11. Meet near Fourth and Chestnut. Info: 625-6200.
Sept. 10: Sundae Sunday Ten-Miler at Joe Albi Stadium presented by the Bloomsday Road Runners Club. Open to all age groups. Cost: $18 with long-sleeved shirt, $8 without a shirt. Registration deadline is Aug. 31. Register online at
Sign up: SYSA Cross Country for kids in grades 1-6. Practices begin week of Sept. 11. Register by Aug. 18. Cost: $50 for grades 1-2, $55 for grades 3-6. Info: Kim, 536-1800 ext. 108 or
Sign up: SYSA Recreational Soccer for ages 5-16. Register at
Sign up: Valley Youth Soccer League in the fall and spring. Cost: $40 for children ages 4-8 and $55 for ages 9 and older. Register online at or call 924-7661.
Various: Spokane County Parks and Recreation is offering a lifeguard training course Aug. 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20 at Holmberg Pool. Cost: $80, plus the cost of books. For more information, call Spokane County Parks and Recreation, 477-4730.