Program offers outpatient care, drug information
Name of program: Powder Basin Associates, 301 E. Sharp Ave.
What it does: This program provides outpatient care, information on drugs and alcohol, and limited mental health counseling.
Who runs it: The for-profit company is its own agency.
How to get help: According to Richard Para, administer and counselor at Powder Basin, anyone in need may call 328-7352, and treatments will be determined after an assessment of the client is completed. They offer free consultations, and the clinic does accept insurance and out-of-pocket payment.
Typical client: “There are no typical clients,” said Para. Many of the clients are referred to the clinic through the court systems.
Treatment is based upon a client’s individual needs. They take clients of all ages.
How to give help: Occasionally college students will complete their practicums at the clinic, and volunteer positions are accepted.