18th Annual Inland Northwest RV Show - Hours are 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Spokane Fair and Expo Center, Havana Road at Broadway Avenue. Admission is $6/adults, age 12 and under/free, seniors/$5 on Thursday only. 993-4859.
Clutter Control Clinic: Office - There’s more to filing than meets the eye. 1 p.m., Amazing Nu Spaces, 12412 E. Sprague Ave. free. 928-2629.
For the Love of Movies - The Spokane Valley Library series continues with a showing of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”; 3 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Roller Valley 30th Anniversary Celebration - Roller Valley will celebrate its 30th anniversary with free cake and punch; 2-4:30 p.m., Roller Valley, 9415 E. Fourth. 924-7655.
Saturday Night Bluegrass Thang - Presented by the Inland Northwest Bluegrass Association; 7 p.m., Trent Elementary School, Trent Avenue at Pines Road. $4, free/younger than age 14. 466-7018.
Storytime - The story is “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen; 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.
18th Annual Inland Northwest RV Show - Hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Spokane Fair and Expo Center, Havana Road at Broadway Avenue. Admission is $6/adults, age 12 and under/free, seniors/$5 on Thursday only. 993-4859.
All-ages dance - The Country Jammers will perform. An open mike session will be from 2-3 p.m. Admission is by donation. Refreshments will be served; 1-4 p.m., Tri-Community Grange, one block north of Trent on Starr Road. 926-3803.
Harpist Leslie Stratton Norris – Concert, 4 p.m., Millwood Presbyterian Church, 3223 N. Marguerite Road. Free.
Roller Valley 30th Anniversary Celebration - Roller Valley will celebrate its 30th anniversary with free cake and punch; 2-4:30 p.m., Roller Valley, 9415 E. Fourth. 924-7655.
Overeaters Anonymous - The group meets every Monday in Room 105; 5-6 p.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 924-0624.
Spokane Valley City Council/CV School District - A joint meeting with the city council and the Central Valley School District board to discuss the capital facilities plan; 6:30 p.m., Learning and Teaching Center, 19307 E. Cataldo. 228-5400.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly - TOPS members meet every Monday; 9-11 a.m., Broadway Court Estates, 13505 E. Broadway. 922-3874.
Toddler storytime - For ages 18 months to 3 years; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Computer Basics - A class for adults; 2 p.m., Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road. 926-4334.
East Valley School District - The board of directors meet; 5:30 p.m., District Administration Center, 12325 E. Grace. 924-1830.
Family story evening - For all ages; 7 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Preschool storytime - For ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Spokane Valley City Council meeting - Tentative agenda items include a public hearing on interim zoning, proposed ordinances on interim zoning and amended the aviation area and a motion on the maintenance contract; 6 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague. 921-1000.
55 Plus luncheon - Adults 55 and over are invited to the luncheon and program featuring Mike Butler, administrator of the Hutton Settlement; noon, Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Road. 924-7262.
Alzheimer’s Support Group - The group meets the last Wednesday of each month; 6:30-8 p.m., Guardian Angel Homes, 23102 E. Mission. 893-9300.
Baby lapsit - For infants up to age 18 months; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Clutter Control Clinic: Hobby supplies/photos - Turn the hodgepodge into a haven of enjoyment; 1 p.m., Amazing Nu Spaces, 12412 E. Sprague Ave. free. 928-2629.
Nicotine Anonymous - The group meets every Wednesday; 4:45 p.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 926-9804.
Preschool storytime - For ages 3-5; 11 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Storytime - For ages 2-5; 10:30 a.m., Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road. 926-4334.
Storytime - The story is “You’re All My Favorites” by Sam McBratney; 1 p.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.
West Valley School District - The board of directors meet; 7 p.m., District Conference Center, 8818 E. Grace. 924-2150.
Creating the Connected Home – At The Home Depot; 7 p.m., 5617 E. Sprague; 534-8588.
Natalie Grant - Christian music singer; 7 p.m., Valleypoint at Pines Church, 714 S. Pines Road. $13.50-$17.50. 325-SEAT.
Storytime - For ages 2-5; 10:30 a.m., Otis Orchards Library, 22324 E. Wellesley. 921-1500.
Toddler storytime - For ages 18 months to 3 years; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.
Veterans Support Group - The group for combat and noncombat veterans of all wars meets the fourth Thursday of each month; 7 p.m., Spokane Valley Adventist Church, 1601 S. Sullivan Road. 283-2531.
Creating a Functional Kitchen - Free class, Friday; 7 p.m., Home Depot, 5617 E. Sprague; 534-8588.
Overeaters Anonymous - The group meets every Friday in room 105; 10-11 a.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 924-0624.
Spokane National Boat Show - 51st annual event. Today-Feb. 5. Hours are Fridays, noon-9 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sundays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Monday-Thursday, 3-9 p.m. Specials are Family Night on Monday, whole family gets in for $10; and Tuesday-Thursday, buy one admission, get one free. Spokane Interstate Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. $7/adults, $4/ages 12-17, free/under age 12. 747-4604.
Next Saturday
Clutter Control Clinic: Travel - Carry more in less space; 1 p.m., Amazing Nu Spaces, 12412 E. Sprague Ave. free. 928-2629.
Spokane National Boat Show - 51st annual event. Through Feb. 5. Hours are Fridays, noon-9 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sundays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Monday-Thursday, 3-9 p.m. Specials are Family Night on Monday, whole family gets in for $10; and Tuesday-Thursday, buy one admission, get one free. Spokane Interstate Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. $7/adults, $4/ages 12-17, free/under age 12. 747-4604.
Storytime - The story is “Tell Me What It’s Like to Be Big” by Joyce Dunbar and Debi Gliori. A craft project and treats will follow; 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.
Tax Credits for Energy Efficient Homes - Free class, Saturday; 10 a.m., Home Depot, 5617 E. Sprague; 534-8588.
Working with Tile: Floors and Walls - Free class, Saturday; 2 p.m., Home Depot, 5617 E. Sprague; 534-8588.