Recreation calendar
May 14: Baseball Northwest tryout camp, 10 a.m. at Spokane Falls Community College. All high school players in the classes of 2007-10 are invited. Fees: $20. Info: (541) 896-0841 or
Sign up: Downtown YMCA training for high school players. Next session begins June 12. Fees: $60 Y-Members, $120 non-members. Info: Wendy Jackson, 838-3577, ext. 125.
Sign up: American Poolplayers Association 8-ball, 9-ball and ladies 8-ball summer leagues. Info: John or Sandy, 327-2591.
May 15: Free canoeing and kayaking introductory clinic, 7 p.m. at REI, 1125 N. Monroe. Info: 328-9900. May 21: Fishtrap Lake kayak tour, 1-5 p.m., presented by REI and Spokane Parks & Recreation Outdoor Program. Fees: $19, $16 REI members. Info: 625-6200.
May 13: Wildflower hike, two miles, on Elk Creek Trail starting 10 a.m. at the Mill Pond near Sullivan Lake, led by Mike Borysewicz, Colville National Forest wildlife biologist. Details: (509) 446-7500.
May 26-29: Okanagan Wine Tour, to British Columbia wineries by day and sleep at an inn near Skaha Lake at night, organized by Spokane Parks and Recreation. Cost: $339. Sign up by May 15, 625-6200.
May 13: Coaches clinic, 9 a.m. at U-District Physical Therapy, 125 S. Cowley. Injury prevention, proper warm-ups, speed and agility discussed. Info: 458-7686.
Sign up: Spokane Pop Warner tackle football league, ages 7-14. Practices begin Aug. 1. Info: 466-9228 or
Multievent sports
May 15: Women’s triathlon clinic, 6 to 9 p.m. at Fitness Fanatics, 12425 E. Trent in Spokane Valley. Fees: $40. Info: Marla, 326-6983.
June 17: Downtown YMCA Plunge-Pedal-Plod and Kids’ triathlons, 8 and 11 a.m. at Witter Pool at Mission Park. Plunge-Pedal-Plod triathlon consists of 500-meter swim, 11-mile bike and 3.5-mile run; kids’ triathlon varies by age group. Preregistration deadline June 1. Fees: $25 Y-Members, $30 non-members (Plunge-Pedal-Plod); $10 Y-Members, $15 non-members (Kid’s). Info: Wendy Jackson, 838-3577, ext. 125.
May 13: Coeur d’Alene Audubon International Migratory Bird Day nature walks on Tubbs Hill, with dedication of Idaho’s official state birding trail starting at 10 a.m., McEuen Field Pavilion at Third Street entrance to Tubbs Hill.
May 14: Slavin Ranch field trip, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., presented by Spokane Audubon Society. Info: Alan McCoy, 448-3123 or 448-8861; must call by May 12.
May 20: Turnbull Wildlife Refuge field trip, 7 a.m., presented by Spokane Audubon Society. Info: Joyce, 448-2447; must call by May 17.
May 20: Fish Lake Trail service project, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., presented by REI. Project includes trash removal from trailhead area, sweeping the paved trail area, trimming growth along the trail and proper noxious weed removal. Info: Joshua Hess, 328-9900 or e-mail
May 27: Butte or Bust Run, 9 a.m. at Creston City Hall. Ten-kilometer or 3.5-mile course available. Preregistration deadline May 18. Fees: $12 with T-shirt, $5 without. Info: (509) 636-2053 or 636-3131.
June 3: Reardan Mule Chase Fun Run, 8 a.m. at Joe B. Johnson Athletic Athletic Field. Five-kilometer or 10K course. Preregistration deadline May 20. Fees: $8 without shirt, $16 with T-shirt, $24 with sweatshirt, $30 with both shirts. Info: 769-4681, or e-mail
June 4: Iron Eagle Triathlon, 9 a.m. at Eastern Washington University. Must be 16 or older to enter; preregistration deadline May 26. Fees: $25 (includes T-shirt), $15 for EWU students. Info: 359-7877 or e-mail
May 13: National Shooting Sports Foundation’s “First Shots” free shooting program at Center Target Sports, 3295 E. Mullan Ave. in Post Falls. Four-hour sessions emphasize firearm safety. Participants must preregister. Info: Ed or Peggy Santos, (208) 773-2331.
Sign up: Valley Youth Soccer League Fall 2006 and/or Spring 2007 seasons, ages 4 and older. Fees: $35 ages 4-7, $50 ages 8 and older. Info: 924-7661 or
May 13: Coaches clinic, 1 p.m. at U-District Physical Therapy, 125 S. Cowley. Injury prevention, proper warm-ups and jump training discussed. Info: 458-7686.
July 11-13: North Idaho College volleyball setter/hitter camp for junior high and high school players, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Christianson Gym. Fees: $100; space limited. Info: (208) 769-3218.