Foosball on film, TV
Joey and Chandler of “Friends” were more interested in a foosball table than a kitchen table. Carla thought the foosball table at “Cheers” was possessed.
Throughout the years, foosball has had its playful moments on TV and in the movies.
Here are a few:
•”Long Shot (USA, 1981) Feature movie about a foosball championship starring 1970s teen idol Leif Garrett.
•”Dazed and Confused” (USA, 1993) Features a long scene in a foosball and billiards parlor.
•”Il Postino” (1994, Italy) A female character flirts with the protagonist while playing foosball.
•”Notting Hill” (1999, USA) A stored foosball table is visible in the Hugh Grant’s character’s flat.
•”Friends” (1994-2004, USA). Originally appeared in the “The One With The Dozen Lasagnas” episode when Joey and Chandler purchase it instead of a kitchen table, and Monica beats the boys at the game.
The table was destroyed by Monica in the series finale in order to rescue two pet fowl, Chick Jr. and Duck Jr., who were lost in the table by Joey.
• “Cheers” episode “Achilles Hill.” Carla believes the foosball table is possessed.