Economist finds utility on the Web
Randy Barcus
Chief economist, Avista Corp.
This Week in Petroleum twip/twip.asp
“When I’m at work, I’m working. So my sites assist me in doing my job. One interesting work-related site is This Week in Petroleum, an Energy Information Administration site that has the latest national prices for petroleum (crude, gasoline, diesel, propane, and heating oil). I use this information in preparation of my speeches in the community.”
Google Earth
“On my home computer I am fascinated by Google Earth. Whenever I go somewhere I’ve never been, it helps me visualize my trip. I also always check with Microsoft Streets and Trips. ( streets)”
Hawkeye Sports
“My younger daughter Jen is attending the University of Iowa (and using her last year of athletic eligibility to play volleyball one last year). I use the Hawkeye Sports Web site to keep in touch with her stats (using the volleyball link at the site above). I also subscribe to the online webcast of the games (both home and away) during the season.”
Baby sites
“My older daughter lives in Mankato, Minn., and she has a Web page on where she posts endless digital photos and writes a blog from time to time. It makes the 1,600 miles seem closer.”
Rohrer’s Select Autos
Spokane Mercedes
“I’m a car nut, and like to see what’s available on various used car lots. I like to view these two sites so I know what’s in store in case I decide to kick a tire or two. Both dealers are within walking distance of each other, and I typically stop in every four to six months.”
For laughs
California Association of Realtors
“When I need a reality check (or a belly laugh), I go here and click ‘economics’ and ‘California Housing Markets @ a Glance’ to see how the rest of the West is coping with high housing prices.”