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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Tips for springtime organization

Joel White Spokane Home Builders Association

Step outside and take a deep breath. The snow has melted and flowers are blooming and the fresh scent of spring is once again in the air.

This means that heavy coats and scarves are giving way to short sleeves, and snow shovels are being replaced with small gardening tools. But where to store all of your now-unneeded winter accessories? Effective storage ideas are abundant, and getting organized now will ensure you are prepared when Old Man Winter comes back around.

“Some hoping to get organized may find it helpful to start by making a list of everything they want to store. This list will help ensure that nothing gets lost once the organizing and storage begins.

“If you have additional space in a basement or garage, you may want to look into purchasing shelving. Easy-to-install, heavy-duty shelving can be purchased at just about any major home supply store. Many of these units are designed so that you can leave as much room between the shelves as you like, making it easy to get larger and smaller items onto the same unit and saving you space.

It is important when shopping for storage shelving that you look carefully at the installation process. While most are simple enough to install in less than one hour, some may be more involved, requiring multiple tools. Look before you buy and you will have a smoother process while getting organized.

“Heavy winter clothing can take up lots of closet space, leaving you with little additional room for your spring wardrobe. If you are looking for clothing storage space, have you considered what may not be under your bed?

Many homeowners forget about the ample storage space lurking there. Invest in some under-the-bed storage units. Many such units work perfectly for storing heavy coats and sweaters until next season, especially in homes with limited storage space. Simply fold your clothing and additional accessories flat and place them into the storage containers. The containers slide right under the bed for excellent out-of-sight storage.

These handy units can be found at just about any store that sells storage solutions and are relatively inexpensive.

“When looking at storing winter tools such as snow shovels, step into your garage and look up. The additional space on the walls towards the ceiling may lend itself to a long rack with hooks where tools can be hung.

“For city dwellers, storage can take an interesting angle of its own. Stretched to find storage space in often cramped apartments, some builders are responding to the need. Fixes to the storage problem include larger built-in cabinets and a unique process known as raised floors. A section of the floor is elevated like a platform, high enough to include small access doors with space to store boxes, skis, heavy coats or just about anything an urbanite may need to pack away with the coming of spring.

Storing all of that winter gear away can be as easy as you make it. Remember, make a list and assess what you will need. Take a look around first to see what you already have that can be used for storage. With just a little preparation, storing your winter items can be as relaxing as a warm spring breeze.

“If you would like to talk with professionals who can assist you with your storage issues or support your home improvement projects, plan to attend the Premier Home Improvement Show, presented by Direct Buy, April 20-22 at the Spokane County Fair & Expo Center. Nearly 200 professionals from the local building industry will be showcasing exciting products and services available to assist you in both your interior and exterior home improvement projects. Go to or call our office at (509) 532-4990 for show hours and other event details.
