WV set to OK building bid
Garco Construction of Spokane is the apparent low bidder for the second phase of West Valley High School’s $35 million construction bond, approved by voters in 2004.
The first part of the plan, an extensive remodeling project at West Valley, is on budget and scheduled for completion before school starts next fall.
The district has set aside $11 million for the second part of the plan, to add classroom space and gymnasiums to its four elementary schools. Garco’s bid for the work was $8,905,000.
Work will begin when the contractor receives a formal “notice to proceed.” The board of directors will be asked to approve the bid at their next meeting on April 25.
The district’s decision to add more classroom space is based on enrollment projections, said Peggy Cannon, assistant project manager for the construction projects.
The district can anticipate the areas where development is most likely to occur. “We’re putting most of the classrooms at Pasadena where growth is the greatest,” said Cannon.
Four new classrooms and a gym will be added at Pasadena Park Elementary. Two classrooms and a gym will be located on the west end of the building, and two classrooms will be added in the middle of the building on the school’s south side.
Arthur B. Ness and Orchard Center elementary schools will each receive two new classrooms and a gymnasium, with new construction located on the east end of both buildings.
Seth Woodard Elementary will get one large classroom that will be used as a music room and a new gymnasium. The new gym will be constructed on the east end of the school, and the large classroom will be built in the middle of the school on the north side of the building.
The work will be completed in phases, with work to classrooms done first and gyms and accessory spaces last. All work should be substantially completed by August 2008.