“Cats” - Musical features dancing and singing cats. Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Today, 7:30 p.m.; INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $30-$49/evening show, 325-SEAT.
An Evening of Hope - Bringing hope to thousands of children at Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos. 7 p.m. cocktail hour with appetizers and silent auction, 7:30-8:30 p.m. program. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (425) 646-3935 for reservations.
Author Lydia Minatoya - Presenting her new novel “The Strangeness of Beauty,” set in pre-World War II Japan. Her book “Talking to High Monks in the Snow: an Asian-American Odyssey” was chosen as the April Spokesman-Review book club selection. 7:30 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore Cafe, 402 W. Main Ave. Free. 838-0206.
Author Maggie Shelton - Brown bag lunch on “The Red Lacquer Bridge,” about the Japanese fishing community and their American teacher Lucile Regan who taught for 17 years. Celebrating Japan Week. Noon., Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. Free. 456-3931.
Carousel on Parade - Bid on ponies, tigers and giraffes. Proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Spokane, which provides temporary housing and other services to families traveling to Spokane to be near their children in the hospital. Mailed bids will be accepted if postmarked by today with check enclosed. Phone bids may be made prior to Friday at 624-0500. $100 minimum bid. Gala dinner and auction held Friday: 6 p.m., reception, 7 p.m. program and dinner. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. Spokane. $100 minimum bid. 990-4167.
Corbin Art Center - “Japanese Vision” with sumi-e flowers, textile painting, embroidery and washi dolls. Runs through May 19. 507 W. Seventh Ave. 625-6200.
Daniel Dugar - Has opened for D.L. Hughley, Damon Wayans and Cedric the Entertainer and has been seen on HBO, Showtime and BET. April 26, 8 p.m.; April 27, 7 and 9:45 p.m.; April 28, 5 (dinner show), 7 and 9:45 p.m. Brickwall Comedy Club, 105 E. Mission Ave. April 25-26: $6. April 27: $12. April 28: $10/5 p.m. dinner show, $12/7 and 9:45 p.m. shows. 458-4149.
Dining Out For Life - Local participating restaurants will donate 20 percent of their food and alcohol sales for the day to the Spokane AIDS Network. Participating restaurants include Bennedito’s Pizza, Bistango’s Martini Lounge, Cafe Marron, Catacomb’s Pub, Fai’s Noodle House at Northern Quest Casino, Herbal Essence Cafe, Luigi’s, Mizuna Restaurant and Wine Bar, Niko’s Greek and Middle East Restaurant, and Woodland at Northern Quest Casino. 455-8993.
Foster Parent Information Meeting - For anyone interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent. 7-8 p.m., Deaconess Health Education Center, room 268 (one block west of Deaconess Medical Center. Free. 468-0700.
Free Color Analysis Lecture - Sherilyn Crosthwaite, an Avon representative. 5:30-7:30 p.m., On Sacred Grounds: Coffee, Tea and Specialty Shoppe, 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. 747-6294, reservations.
French Bordeaux Wine Dinner - With expert Warren Helman, offering insight into the history of Bordeaux and offer informed predictions on upcoming vintages. Reservations required. 6-10 p.m., CenterStage, 1017 W. First Ave. $69. 747-8243.
Inland Empire Iris Society - The group’s April meeting is also Men’s Pie Night. 7 p.m., Manito Park meeting room, east of the conservatory. 535-8025.
Introduction to Wine Tasting - Class presented by Vino. 6:30-8:30 p.m., 222 S. Washington St. $35. 838-1229.
National Missing Children’s Day Exhibit - Display of posters created by local fifth-grade students. Runs through May 5. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. 444-5385.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program - Training sponsored by Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital. 1-4 p.m., Sacred Heart Children’ s Hospital, Fourth Floor, Classrooms, 101 W. Eight Ave. 474-4841.
Spring Market - Downtown Spokane - Thursdays through May 3. Fresh-baked goods, flowers, pasta, wooden treasures, fresh eggs and more farm-fresh goods. 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Community Building lobby, 35 W. Main Ave. 232-1950.
Still on the Auction Block: Sexual Objectification of Black Women in Hip Hop Culture - Carolyn West, an award-winning scholar and author who uses her background in psychology, women’s studies and ethnic studies to investigate interpersonal abuse and sexual assault. Her focus is on violence in the lives of African American Women. Presented by the Africana Education Program and Women’s Studies. Co-sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. and EWU Diversity Grant. Noon., Eastern Washington University, Showalter Auditorium, Cheney. Free. 359-6335.
“Dusk” - Written by Bryan Harnetiaux, Spokane Civic Theatre’s resident playwright. Runs May 18. Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Spokane Civic Theatre, Firth J. Chew Studio, 1020 N. Howard St. $14. 325-SEAT.
“Sir! No Sir!: The Suppressed Story of the GI Movement to End the War in Vietnam” - A film by David Zeiger. This movement didn’t take place on college campuses, but in barracks and on aircraft carriers. Hundreds went to prison and thousands into exile. 7 p.m., Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. $5/donation, free popcorn. 747-3012.
“The Digital Dilemma: Managing, Protecting and Enjoying Your Digital Photos” - Presented by Art and Book Gallery. 6:30-7:30 p.m., On Sacred Grounds: Coffee, Tea and Specialty Shoppe, 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. $5, includes coffee and dessert. 747-6294.
American Association of University Women of Washington State Convention - “Sowing Seeds for Fulfillment.” Runs through Sunday. Red Lion Hotel at the Park, 303 W. North River Drive. $170. 255-5160.
Child Trafficking Victims: Global Problem - Local Reality - Sponsored by Western Regional Institute for Community Oriented Public Safety and the Inland Northwest Task Force on Human Trafficking. Noon-1:30 p.m., YWCA Comstock Room, 829 W. Broadway Ave. Free. 343-5074.
Sidetrack Concert - and dance. 8 p.m., CenterStage, 1017 W. First Ave. $5. 747-7078.
“Assassins” - Winner of the Best in Region award at the Region IX American Association of Community Theatre’s Fest 2007 in Tacoma. Musical based on the book by John Weidman and idea by Charles Gilbert Jr. which examines men and women who have attempted to assassinate a U.S. President. Special encore performance to benefit the Festival Fund, a fund to send the show to compete in the national competition in Charlotte, N.C. 8 p.m., Spokane Civic Theatre, Main Stage, 1020 N. Howard St. $25. 325-SEAT.
A T. Rex Named Sue - Tells the story of the largest, most complete, and best preserved T. Rex fossil yet discovered. The exhibition features a fully articulated, life-sized cast of the The Field Museum’s star dinosaur. Visitors of all ages will marvel at Sue’s size and ferocity while learning about her scientific importance through engaging interactives. Exhibit hours are Tuesdays -Sundays 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., closed Mondays. Runs through Sept. 2. Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. $7/adults, $5/ages 6-18 and seniors, free/age five and younger. 325-SEAT.
Author Debbie Macomber - Book signing only of her latest romance novel, “Back on Blossom Street.” 2:30-3:30 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, main floor, 402 W. Main Ave. 838-0206.
Balloons and Child Abuse Information - Lutheran Community Services will hand out balloons, information and surprises in an effort to increase child abuse awareness. Runs through Sunday. Noon-4 p.m., Rosauers, Francis at 29th Avenues. Free. 343-5074.
Barry Lee White and Moonshine Band - Nashville recording artist in concert. Runs through Sunday. Noon., Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $5. (877) 465-2685 ext. 322.
Chinese Style High Tea - Includes tea and dessert. Two seatings, 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. On Sacred Grounds: Coffee, Tea and Specialty Shoppe, 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. $7. 747-6294 for reservations.
Civil War Living History and Expo - April 28-29. Infantry, cavalry, artillery and medical units will be doing Living History presentations. Presented by the 14th Virginia Cavalry. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Cheney Rodeo Grounds, Cheney. Free. 995-8619.
Eclectic Energy Springs Arts and Crafts Sale - With fresh flower market and handmade items. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 1717 E. 38th Ave. 624-3457.
Empire Classic Body Building and Fitness - competition. 6 p.m., Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. $20-35. (800) 325-SEAT.
EWU Graduate Recital - Compositionist Don Goodwin. 3 p.m., Eastern Washington University, Music Building Recital Hall, Cheney. Free. 359-2241.
Fourth Annual Odyssey Used Book Sale - Funds raised will benefit the Odyssey Program, a gifted education program of Spokane Public Schools. Fiction, non-fiction, adult, children, antiquarian/collectible, DVD and VHS movies. Runs through Sunday, April 28. 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Libby Center, 2900 E. First Ave. Free.
German American Society Spring Concert - Dinner, dance, and concert. Performances by the Concordia Choir of Spokane, the Spokane Accordian Ensemble, and the Norm Seeberger Band. 6 p.m., German American Society, Deutsches Haus, 25 W. Third Ave. $15. 838-8164 or 325-1113.
Plant Sale - The 27th annual sale hosted by the Associated Garden Clubs of Spokane featuring annuals, perennials, herbs and house plants. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 28 and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 29. Manito Park meeting room, east of the conservatory. 468-9807.
Public Market at Riverfront Park - Vendors sell arts, crafts and commercial items, no food or beverage products, held Saturdays-Sundays. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Riverfront Park, on the pathway between the Skyride and the Carrousel. 625-6601.
Retirement Planning and Lifestyles Expo - Features financial, insurance and health-care professionals as well as autos, boats, RVs and other retirement essentials. Live music by Barry Lee White, noon. Runs through Sunday. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $5. (877) 465-2685, ext. 322.
Revolver - Beatles tribute band. 8 p.m., Spokane Civic Theatre, Main Stage, 1020 N. Howard St. $15. 325-SEAT.
Rock the Ribbon Benefit Concert - Features performances by CharacterFlaw, Exit Zero and Seven Cycles. Tickets are free, but Big Easy will donate $1 for every ticket turned in to the American Cancer Society. Tickets may be picked up at Hot Topic locations, Guitar Center of Spokane, Atmosphere at NorthTown Mall, All American Tattoo and Boo Radley’s. 7 p.m., Big Easy Concert House, 919 W. Sprague Ave. Free (tickets are required). 244-3279.
Soul Stroll to Healthy Living Fair (RESCHEDULED from March 31) - Panel discussion by local doctors, and information tables including American Diabetes Association, Planned Parenthood, Teen Aid. Sponsoring agencies are Ahana, The Links Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Register for the walk at 9 a.m., information tables and panel at 11:30 a.m. East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone St. Free. 838-1881.
Spokane Symphony Casual Classics: The French Connection - Morihiko Nakahara conducting, accompanied by guitarist Steven Novacek. Two shows, Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m. Runs through Sunday. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. $19-25. 624-1200.