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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Truly trivial

Fifi Rodriguez King Features Syndicate

1. Geography: What is the capital of Ethiopia?

2. Literature: What did the poet Wallace Stevens do for a living, aside from write poetry?

3. History: The first atomic submarine was built in which decade?

4. Medicine: What is low blood sugar also known as?

5. Movies: What was the setting for the terrorist-threat movie “Black Sunday”?

6. American Business: What kind of product is produced by the Samsonite Corp.?

7. Music: What was jazz pianist/bandleader Earl Hines’ nickname?

8. Entertainers: Madonna was married to which actor/director in the 1980s?


1. Addis Ababa

2. Lawyer

3. 1950s

4. Hypoglycemia

5. Super Bowl

6. Luggage

7. Fatha

8. Sean Penn