Lottery numbers
Friday’s Washington Daily Game: 1-9-7.
Friday’s Washington Keno: 6-8-9- 10-12-13-26-28-39-40-43-54- 55-59-60-61-70-72-76-77.
Friday’s Mega Millions: 11-14-21-24-31.
Mega Ball: 23.
Today in history
1757: Forces of the East India Company led by Robert Clive defeated troops loyal to the governor, of Bengal in the Battle of Plassey, which effectively marked the beginning of British colonial rule in India.
1931: Aviators Wiley Post and Harold Gatty took off from New York on a round-the-world flight that lasted eight days and 15 hours.
1947: The Senate joined the House in overriding President Truman’s veto of the Taft-Hartley Act, designed to limit the power of organized labor.
1972: President Nixon and White House chief of staff H.R. Haldeman discussed a plan to use the CIA to obstruct the FBI’s Watergate investigation.
2006: Vice President Cheney denounced the revelation of an anti-terrorism program that tapped into an immense international database of confidential financial records.