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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review


America’s Boating Course - Presented by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Meets the Washington Mandatory Boater’s Education requirement. Registration required; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., All Seasons Driving School, 11524 E. Sprague. $35. 242-8555.

Angela Hunt - Presenting her CD “Rescued”; 8 p.m., Hastings, 15312 E. Sprague. 924-0667.

Free Tax Preparation Site - Valley - Priority given to lower income taxpayers. Mondays, 4-7 p.m., Thursdays, 1-4 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Bring valid picture ID, Social Security cards for you, spouse and household members, copy of last year’s tax return, copy of all 2006 W-2s, 1099 forms for you and spouse; proof of other income from you or spouse; child care provider information. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. (888) 227-7669.

Liberty Lake storytime - For all ages; 10:30 a.m., Liberty Lake Library, 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane No. 130. 232-2510.

Lowe’s How-To Clinics - How to update your bathroom, 11 a.m., how to decorate with moulding, noon; how to install hardwood flooring, 1 p.m. Lowe’s Home Improvement, 5204 E. Sprague. 533-0066.

Spokane Valley Baseball - Boys and girls ages 5-14 must register by April 14 for the season that runs June-July. The cost is $70 for ages 5-8; $95 for ages 9-12 and $125 for ages 13-14. Applications are available at 922-0420.

Spokane Valley Heritage Museum - Grand Coulee Dam exhibit hosted in conjunction with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Runs through April 30. Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturdays, noon-5 p.m.; or by appointment. 12114 E. Sprague Ave. $5/adults, $4/seniors, $2/children. 922-4570.

Spokane Valley Mayor’s Ball - Fifth annual ball with the theme Mardi Gras Madness; 6:30-11:59 p.m., Mirabeau Park Hotel, I-90 at Sullivan Road. $45. 924-4994.

Storytime - Meet Spot the Dog and have pictures taken with the canine; 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.

Tennis clinic - Boys and girls in grades K-8 are invited. The middle school clinic is from 9 a.m.-noon and the elementary clinic is from 1-3:30 p.m. Applications are available at Central Valley schools. University High School, 12420 E. 32nd. $20, includes T-shirt. 924-5465 or 993-9995.

Valley Youth Soccer League Signup - For ages four and older (birthdate of 12/31/02 or later). Spring season is April and May and begins April 7. Games played on Saturdays at local Valley schools. Register online at 9116 E. Sprague Ave., No. 138. $20/ages 10-13, $40-$45/all other ages. 924-7661.


Jam Session hosted by Sammy Eubanks - Blues, 8 p.m., Ripley’s Plantation, 8122 E. Sprague. 928-8500.


Central Valley School District - The board of directors meet; 6:30 p.m., Learning and Teaching Center, 19307 E. Cataldo. 228-5400.

Overeaters Anonymous - The group meets every Monday in Room 105; 5-6 p.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 924-0624.

Sammy Eubanks and Steve Starkey - Blues, 8-11 p.m., Ripley’s Plantation, 8122 E. Sprague Ave. 928-8500.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly - TOPS members meet every Monday; 9-11 a.m., Broadway Court Estates, 13505 E. Broadway. 922-3874.

Toddler Storytime - For ages 18 months to 3 years; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.


East Valley School District - The board of directors meet; 5:30 p.m., District Administration Center, 12325 E. Grace. 924-1830.

Family Story Evening - For all ages; 7 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.

Fitness and Nutrition Series - Lecture series hosted by the Liberty Lake Athletic Club every Tuesday; 7-8 p.m., Liberty Lake Athletic Club, 23410 E. Mission Ave. $10 per class. 891-2582.

Preschool storytime - For ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.

Spokane Valley City Council meeting - Tentative agenda items include UDC Title 24, a public hearing on the proposed amended 2007 TIP and a proposed resolution on the Spokane County Hazard Plan; 6 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague. 921-1000.


2007 Business Fair - The Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce hosts the fifth annual Open for Business fair featuring local companies; 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Road. 924-4994.

55 Plus luncheon and program - Gil Fischer will speak on a recent trip to Greece, Turkey and Israel. All adults age 55 and over are welcome to attend; noon, Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Road. 924-7262.

Nicotine Anonymous - The group meets every Wednesday; 4:45 p.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 926-9804.

Preschool storytime - For ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.

Storytime - For ages 2-5; 10:30 a.m., Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road. 926-4334.

Storytime - Listen to books about everyone’s favorite red monster, Elmo. A craft project and treats will follow; 2 p.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.

West Valley School District - The board of directors meet; 7 p.m., District Conference Center, 8818 E. Grace. 924-2150.


Storytime - For ages 2-5; 10:30 a.m., Otis Orchards Library, 22324 E. Wellesley. 921-1500.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly - The group meets every Thursday; 9:30 a.m., Eagles, 16801 E. Sprague. 928-5460.

Toddler Storytime - For ages 18 months to 3 years; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. 926-6283.


Baby lapsit - For infants up to age 18 months; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (509) 926-6283.

Chocolate Festival and Auction Fundraiser - Reigning Cats and Dogs event to benefit Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service programs at the shelter and the Animal Medical Fund; 6:30-9:30 p.m., CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. $15. 477-2752.

Liberty Lake storytime - For children in preschool through age 5; 10:30 a.m., Liberty Lake Library, 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane No. 140. 232-2510.

Overeaters Anonymous - The group meets every Friday in Room 105; 10-11 a.m., Spokane Valley Community Center, 10814 E. Broadway. 924-0624.

Pizza Night at the Elks - Hosted by the Elks Lodge. Reservations required; 5:30-7 p.m., 2605 N. Robie Road. $1.50/slice. 926-2328.

Spokane Auto Boat Speed Show - 44th annual event. A showcase of custom hot rods, race cars, motorcycles and boats. March 30, noon-10 p.m.; March 31, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; April 1, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. Admission is $14 adults, $12 seniors/students and $3 for kids ages 6-12. 465-1126.

Next Saturday

Author Janae Dewitt - Signing of “A Lily Among Thorns”; 7 p.m., Hastings, 15312 E. Sprague. 924-0667.

Gardening with Phyllis Stephens - Ladies salad luncheon with guest speaker Phyllis Stephens; 1 p.m., Elks Lodge, 2605 N. Robie Road. $10. 926-2328.

John Reischman and the Jaybirds - Spring concert series presented by the Inland Northwest Bluegrass Association; 7 p.m., Trent Elementary School, 3303 N. Pines Road. $12 by March 25, $15 at the door, $6/younger than age 12. (509) 891-8558.

Liberty Lake storytime - For all ages; 10:30 a.m., Liberty Lake Library, 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane No. 130. 232-2510.

Lowe’s How-To Clinics - How to update your bathroom at 11 a.m., how to decorate with moulding at noon; how to install hardwood flooring at 1 p.m. Lowe’s Home Improvement, 5204 E. Sprague. 533-0066.

Spokane Auto Boat Speed Show - 44th annual event. A showcase of custom hot rods, race cars, motorcycles and boats. March 30, noon-10 p.m.; March 31, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; April 1, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Runs through April 1. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. Admission is $14 adults, $12 seniors/students and $3 for kids ages 6-12. 465-1126.

Spokane Valley Senior Center Craft Fair - Over 30 crafts with unique handmade items, raffles, bake sale and more; 9 a.m.-3 p.m., CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. 926-1937.

Storytime - The story is “Angelina on Stage.” A fun activity and treats will follow; 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana. 922-4104.

Three in One - Live Christian music with CDs “Forever You Reign” and “My Cry”; 8 p.m., Hastings, 15312 E. Sprague. 924-0667.