Meet your Neighbor
Name: Dee Walters
Age: 73
Hometown: I was born in McPherson, Kan., and lived there until I was 18. I studied nursing in Denver for two years, then moved to Orange County, Calif., where I lived for 19 years. Then I lived on Maui for 27 years and finally moved here in 2000.
Occupation: I’m retired from the medical field.
Family: Byron and I have been married for 40 years. I have three stepchildren: Sandy Garzzona, who lives in Spokane; Michael Walters on Maui; and Jennifer Andrade in Palm Desert, Calif.
Hobbies: Gardening, sewing and hospice patient care
What do you like about North Idaho? I love the four seasons, especially after living in California and Hawaii, which have only one season. The people here are wonderful, and the land is just beautiful with all the lakes.
What do you like or dislike about the current season? I love ‘em all.
Favorite music: Classical
Favorite TV show: Probably “ER”
Favorite movie: “Gone With the Wind”
Favorite spot in North Idaho? Why? Priest Lake. We have a pontoon boat and enjoy sailing there, especially on the upper lake. We like the remoteness and enjoy camping out on the boat.