New faces behind the Merc

Scott and Jeanne Bjergo, new owners/operators of Bayview Mercantile, assumed control Monday and plan to expand selections. Longtime operator Carole Coleman recently sold the business.
The Bjergos were married in Bayview on July 16, 2005, at Dromore B&B with a post-reception party at the Captain’s Wheel. Like most people who happen upon Bayview, they were unable to leave and made their home here. New manager is Michelle Maas, a longtime employee.
Ralph readies for Bayview Daze
Just up the street is Ralph’s Internet Café, opened at the beginning of May. This WiFi hot spot already is going strong.
Ralph Jones also is the Bayview Chamber of Commerce’s Bayview Daze parade director.
Bayview Daze will be the weekend of July 6-8 this year, featuring the usual parade and many street vendors.
Last year, a new vendor sold Athol T-shirts. One can only wonder what messages they will have this year.
Bayview always has its Independence Day celebration the weekend nearest the Fourth of July. With the holiday falling on a Wednesday this year, the following weekend was chosen.
The tourists are coming
Peace and tranquility have left Bayview as we gird for tourist season.
The annuals, as always, were entertaining. Their invasion usually jump-starts the season, and this year was no exception.
Memorial Day weekend starts Friday with many summer activities.
Waterford Park’s floating patio is open seven days per week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The Button Hook swings into its summer schedule with five-day-per-week service on Thursdays through Mondays (closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Bar hours begin at 3 p.m., with food service from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Entertainment Friday will be George and Jeannie Bruner, local favorites. Music will start at 8 p.m.
Bells ring in summer season
Following the ritual planting of my tomatoes, which I grow from seed, we are ready for the beginning of summer.
The Captain’s Wheel has a full entertainment schedule Friday and Saturday nights with the ever-popular Bells providing the music.
Two – sometimes, three – generations of musicians form the band, led by Charlie Bell, with wife and children. Some nights, the original Bells, Charlie’s parents, hop up on the stage for a song or three. The band will be playing both nights.
The burger bar will be outside for the overflow crowd. The kitchen will be open until 10 p.m., featuring prime rib and the fresh catch on Fridays.