Section 24 fans boorish
I was fortunate enough to attend the WSU-ASU game with my brother.
A friend of a friend, who is a season ticket-holder, gave him the tickets. What a great game. The defense came to play and while the offense sputtered at times, we were in the game right down to the end when our kicker missed a long field goal.
What appalled me, and the reason for this letter, is the poor behavior of the season ticket-holders around us in Section 24.
During the first quarter, one boorish fan kept yelling “Brink, you suck!” and “Put in Rogers!” This continued for most of the first half. Then during the second half, other people around us were yelling profanities at Alex Brink and mocking him when the P.A. announcer said he had broken Jason Gesser’s career passing record.
Then to add to their poor behavior, and my relief, some of them actually left when the game was tied 20-20 late in the fourth quarter.
I know not all fans in Section 24 act this way, but I find it appalling that season ticket-holders, or any fans for that matter, feel the need to insult or mock their own players. I am a sports fan and have attended numerous football, basketball and other sporting events and I have never booed the team I am supporting. Grow up, people.
And, oh, by the way, Brink broke Gesser’s record while passing for 369 yards. Too bad “fans” in Section 24 spent so much time mocking him instead of appreciating him.
Keith Hoekema