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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Bayview news: Commission hears from Bayview

Herb Huseland Correspondent

County government came to Bayview last week, as all three commissioners held a town meeting here. The turnout was a packed house, with about 140 citizens present.

Some topics were taboo, as the commissioners felt they couldn’t discuss issues that were before them, or were likely to be. Even with generalities, many issues were brought forth by the audience.

Some of the issues: lack of enforcement of the no-wake zone in Scenic Bay, noise violations, and the lack of laws covering the subject and building/zoning code enforcement, which was the hot topic of the evening. Chairman Rick Currie reported that only the Sheriff’s Department had the authority to cite violators, and they weren’t doing it. He went on to suggest that possibly sending some of the building inspectors to the law enforcement academy was an answer.

Money seems to be the problem, as budgets for both law enforcement and civil matters budgets were stretched tight. The topic shifted to what authority the county had to enforce parking problems. Lakes Highway District has the jurisdiction over parking, not the county.

Building height restrictions were requested, but rejected by the panel on the basis that any such rules would have to be enforced county-wide, not just in Bayview. Currie went further, saying if Bayview wanted more restrictive zoning regulations, residents would have to incorporate as a city.

It appears that some residents are looking into this issue, and Bayview Chamber of Commerce will probably visit the topic.


While many people in the city were “pigging out in the park,” Bayview didn’t take a backseat as the Captain’s Wheel held its annual pig roast. Two full-grown hogs bit the dust so that a large crowd could feast, and feast they did. The weather was perfect Saturday, and the food divine.

Summer may have unofficially ended over the three-day weekend, but it appears that most aren’t willing to surrender to fall yet, and the weather is still very nice.

Yet to come, we have what most feel is the last Naval Reunion for the World War II vets that served at Farragut during the war. This event was reported wrong last week, and will be held Saturday, not Sunday as previously reported. Flag-raising will be at 9 a.m. at the brig, with a social get together at the Sunrise picnicking area.