Online impostor uses Verner’s name

Spokane Mayor Mary Verner is looking for the perpetrator behind a bogus Mary Verner account on the popular Web service Twitter.
Someone created an account in her name this week and uploaded her image to
The person also sent out a “tweet,” a short text message to others who signed up at the site. The message: “Paint the town orange week! I hope people are wearing their Spokane Shock gear.”
City spokeswoman Marlene Feist said Verner had no idea what Twitter was until a reporter asked the mayor for comment.
“We will see what we can do to have that account shut down,” Feist said.
Twitter users send out short text messages throughout the day. People who sign up find and then “follow” other Twitter users.
When a user sends out a message, all the user’s followers get a copy delivered to a cell phone or computer.
The creator of the Verner account made her a follower of messages from 135 other accounts.
Tom Sowa
Grant County
Pipe bomb killed man, autopsy finds
An pipe bomb killed one of the two men found dead after two explosions last weekend in Grant County, an autopsy has found.
Javier M. Adame, 53, died of “multiple blast impact injuries to the chest and abdomen,” according to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office.
A blast also killed William A. Walker, 69, but officials haven’t determined what kind of device exploded.
Walker was found dead Saturday in his shop about four miles east of Moses Lake.
Adame was found dead the next day in his kitchen in Moses Lake.
The explosions were less than 10 hours apart.
Officials have not determined whether the explosions were connected.
The FBI, Washington State Patrol and Grant County Sheriff’s Office were investigating.
Meghann M. Cuniff
Purse thief drags woman across lot
A man reportedly dragged an elderly woman across a pharmacy parking lot while stealing her purse Tuesday, and Crime Stoppers is offering a reward for information leading to the suspect’s capture.
Jerald S. Mackmer, 41, faces charges of second-degree robbery and second-degree theft.
He’s accused of grabbing the 78-year-old woman’s purse at a North Division Street pharmacy about 3:30 p.m.
The victim’s hand was slammed in the door of a maroon Mercury Marquis before the driver sped away, according to Crime Stoppers.
Mackmer last gave his address as 1107 E. Nebraska Ave.
Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (509) 327-5111.
Tipsters do not have to give their name to collect the reward but should provide a code name or number.
Meghann M. Cuniff