Senior activities
Concert Under the Pines – Men of Rhythm will play at an old-fashioned picnic in Audubon Park. Includes transportation, escort and dinner. Call for cost and details, Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St., 482-0803.
Corbin Players – New scripts and the return of favorite skits will be sure to entertain and make you laugh. For cost and details, call Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave., 327-1584.
Birthday Lunch – Friday. Project Joy will provide live music during a luncheon of rosemary Chicken and birthday cake. Call for cost and details, Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave., 327-1584.
Inland Northwest Skyfest 2008– Saturday. Air show and open house will be held at Fairchild Air Force Base. Transportation and escort included. Call for cost and details, Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave., 327-2861.
Pend Oreille Lake Cruise – Tuesday. Afternoon nine-mile cruise will begin with lunch at The Hydra restaurant. Includes transportation, escort and cruise admission. Call for cost and details, Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St., 482-0803.
Sinto Trip to Two Rivers Casino – Tuesday. “Senior Day” at Two Rivers Casino. Senior lunch buffet is offered at 30 percent discount. Includes transportation, escort, and coupon. Call for cost and details, Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave., 327-2861.
Pre-planning Seminar – Wednesday. Ed Calhoon will present the benefits of funeral and cemetery pre-planning. Call for cost and details, Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave., 327-1584.
Modern Films – Wednesday. Vaughn Overlie will give a modern films presentation during lunch. For cost and details call, Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave., 327-1584.
Lunch at Bunker’s Resort at Williams Lake – Wednesday. Enjoy lunch on the shore of Williams Lake. Includes transportation, escort and lunch. Call for cost and details, Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St., 482-0803.
Trip to Two Rivers Casino – Next Thursday. Corbin Senior Activity Center will join the fun to Two Rivers Casino for a day of gambling and fun. Includes transportation. Call for cost and details, Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St., 482-0803.
“Les Miserables” – Aug. 15. The 5:30 p.m. show will be performed at the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre. Includes transportation, escort and admission. Call for cost and details, Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St., 482-0803.
AARP, Greater Spokane Chapter No. 384 – Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Old Country Buffet at Franklin Mall, 5504 N. Division, no-host lunch available; 534-1737 or 534-7042.
AARP, Spokane Falls Chapter – Meets the first Thursday of each month, 10:30 a.m. at Old Bob’s Restaurant, 3243 E. Trent Ave.; 466-4013.
AARP Senior Employment – Specializes in jobs for persons 55 years and older. Employers are looking for your years of experience, maturity and dependability, call 325-7712 for more information.
Aging and Long-term Care of Eastern Washington – The planning and management council usually meets the fourth Friday of each month from 1-3:30 p.m. at 1222 N. Post St. For more information, call 458-2509.
Arthritic Exercise Class – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:45-4:45 p.m. at Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call 482-0803.
Arts and Crafts – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. at East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call 625-6693 for more information.
Brain Aerobics – Work on brain teasers, Sudoku puzzles and optical illusions. Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. $1. Call 535-0803 for more information.
Carebears Support Group – For those widowed or alone, this group meets Mondays from noon-1 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. For more information, call the center at 535-0803.
Ceramics – Tuesdays, various times at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook. Call 482-0803 for more information; Thursdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. $5 per visit, $20 per month. Call 926-1937.
China painting – Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook. Call 482-0803 for more information.
Community Colleges of Spokane Seniors Program – For a full class description and to register, call 533-4756. Classes include acrylics, ceramics, china painting, drawing, drawing made easy, multimedia painting, oil painting, watercolor, beginning acting, migratory words: writing/acting, poetry workshop, readers’ theater, writers’ workshop: stories, poems, and memoirs, Italian conversation and Spanish conversation. Register at least one week before each class begins.
Computer classes – A variety of beginning computer classes offered through the Institute of Extended Learning. Call 533-4756 for list, times, locations and costs.
Computer Lab – Mondays and Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. and Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call 625-6693 for more information.