Bids to update Millwood City Hall being accepted
MILLWOOD – Plans to remodel Millwood City Hall are under way. During Monday’s regular City Council meeting Mayor Dan Mork announced the project went out to bid at the beginning of the month.
Bids are due Aug. 20 and Mork plans to present them to the council during next month’s regular meeting.
“We’re doing a fairly low-cost upgrade,” Mork said. “We’re not changing much, just refreshing the place. It (the building) hasn’t been worked on for over 20 years.”
The project designer, Curtis Anderson of the interior design firm Design Works, developed a “mid-’60s modern” solution to preserve the character of the building as much as possible.
The design converts all the window treatments to sunscreen shades. Other updates include replacing all fluorescent lights with energy efficient fixtures, installing new carpet in the council chambers and offices, and refreshing the finish on all the wood paneling.
The building was built in 1957 and had one addition completed in 1969.
In other news, the council unanimously approved an ordinance granting Qwest an easement on a portion of Bessie Road for the purpose of installing and maintaining a fiber-optic line.
“We’re trying to avoid cutting up the street,” said Will Schimmels, Qwest right-of-way manager. “We’ll get through there as fast as we can.”
Qwest is required to restore the property after the installation is complete.
Another easement request made by the owner of Walgreens drugstore, 2702 N. Argonne Road, requires the city to hold a public hearing. City procedure calls for public opinion any time the city vacates a property.
The hearing is scheduled during next month’s regular meeting.
The owner requested the city vacate an easement currently held on the property.
“The easement was originally set up to have access to utility lines,” Mork said during an interview following the meeting. “Those lines no longer exist.”
The council approved an amendment to the three-year interlocal agreement with the Spokane County to remain a member of the Urban Consortium. The council originally approved the resolution to remain a member of the consortium in March. As a member, Millwood is eligible to participate in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program.
During Assistant Fire Chief Larry Rider’s monthly report, Rider again asked the council if the OptiCom system for the Argonne Road project is currently being addressed. He first approached the council in June about the issue. The OptiCom system provides an intersection right of way for emergency traffic.
“I’m bringing it up again to keep it moving along,” Rider said.
Mork recommended inviting a representative from 3M, the firm which designed the OptiCom system, to next month’s regular meeting. Mork’s hope is to piggyback this presentation with the one scheduled by Welch Comer and Associations, the engineering firm working on the design for the Argonne Corridor project. Welch Comer representatives plan to present to council an cost estimate on the Argonne resurfacing project along with an update on the grant submission for extra funding for sidewalk work.