Family calendar
Burgers with a Heart Fundraiser - Eighth annual fundraiser benefiting the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Red Robin will donate 50 cents from every gourmet burger sold between now and Feb. 24 to the nursery. Restaurant guests will also be able to purchase specially-designed paper hearts for $1. Local Red Robin locations include: Downtown, 725 W. Main Ave. 838-5260; North, 9904 N. Newport Highway, 467-3382; Valley, 14736 E. Indiana Ave. 921-1634.
Camp Fire Candy Sale - Sales take place through March 2 throughout the area. Varieties available: Creamy Smooth Mint Patties, Almond Roca Buttercrunch, Caramel Clusters and P-Nuttles. $5. 747-6191, ext. 19.
Girl Scouts Cookie Sale - Pre orders taken through Sunday. Booth and direct sales will take place March 21-April 13. Varieties include: All Abouts, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Do-Si-Do’s, Trefoils, Samoas and new sugar-free Chocolate Chips and Lemon Chalet Cremes. $4. 747-8091.
Help Choose Free Movies in the Park - Vote for which family movie and teen movie you would like to watch in Mirabeau Meadows this summer. Vote online by visiting and clicking on the link provided under “Hot Topics” or complete a ballot at CenterPlace. Runs through Feb. 25. CenterPlace, 2426 Discovery Place. 688-0190.
It’s a Nano World - Introducing children and their families to the biological wonders and tools of the nano-sized world through 14 fun, interactive exhibits. On display through May 15. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mobius Kids, River Park Square, lower level, 808 W. Main Ave. $5.75/general, $4.75/seniors and military, free/age one year and younger. 624-KIDS.
Riverfront Park Ice Palace - Ice skating outdoors. Mondays- Thursdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.; Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Runs through March 3. Riverfront Park. $4.25/adults and teens; $3.25/children, seniors and military; $2.75/skate rental, $39.99, plus tax for season pass. 625-6600.
Spring Soccer - Sign-up for spring soccer. Coed micro soccer games for ages 4-7 (born 8/1/99 to 12/31/03) and age 8 and older. Practices at nearby schools and/or parks. Runs through April 5. 9116 E. Sprague Ave. No. 138. $35-$45. 747-5017 or 924-7661.
Storytime at Borders - Recommended for ages 18 months-3 years. Held every Saturday. 11:30 a.m., Borders Books and Music, 9980 N Newport Highway. Free. 466-2231.
Upward Soccer - Registrations for children age 4 through the sixth grade are being accepted for the spring season. Evaluations begin Feb. 23. Volunteer coaches and referees are also needed. The registration deadline is March 7. Spokane Valley Wesleyan Church, 16607 E. Broadway. $70 before March 1; $80 after. 924-9775.
“The Hoboken Chicken Emergency” - Presented by the Spokane Children’s Theatre. Saturday, 1 and 4 p.m., Sunday at 1 p.m. Spokane Community College, Lair Auditorium, 1810 N. Greene St. $10/adults, $8/age 18 and younger. 325-SEAT.
After-school Specials - Explore West Africa through stories, crafts and games. Learn about a different culture each month. Library locations include: Otis Orchards, 22324 E. Wellesley Ave. 893-8390; Cheney, 610 First St. 893-8280. 4 p.m.
Making Paper at the Spokane Public Library - The Spokane Regional Solid Waste System offers paper recycling activities. 4 p.m., Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Ave. Free. 625-6580.
Preschool Storytime - For ages 3-5. Library locations and times include: 10:30 a.m., South Hill, 3324 S. Perry St. 444-5385; Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. 444-5390; 11 a.m., Cheney, 610 First St. 893-8280; Moran Prairie, 6004 S. Regal St. 893-8340; North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road. 893-8350.
Storytime - For ages 2-5. Library locations include: Otis Orchards, 22324 E. Wellesley Ave. 893-8390; Airway Heights, 1213 S. Lundstrom St. 893-8250.
Toddler Storytime - For ages 18 months-3 years. Library locations and times include: 10 a.m., Cheney, 610 First St. 893-8280; Moran Prairie, 6004 S. Regal St. 893-8340; North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road. 893-8350, South Hill, 3324 S. Perry St. 444-5385; Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. 444-5390; 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley, 12004 E. Main Ave. 893-8400.
“The Basket” - Free family movie. Free snacks will also be offered. Rated PG, 7 p.m., Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church, 4449 N. Nevada St. 487-9667.
Baby Lapsit (Valley) - Enjoy nursery rhymes, songs, and stories. For children up to 18 months of age. 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. 893-8400.
Family Night - Free movie and popcorn. 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30. Edgecliff Neighborhood Center, 6903 E. Fourth Ave. 477-6345.
Preschool Storytime - For ages 3-5. Library locations include: Downtown, 906 W. Main Ave. 444-5356; East Side, 524 S. Stone St. 444-5375; Hillyard, 4005 N. Cook St. 444-5380; Indian Trail, 4909 W. Barnes. 444-5395; South Hill, 3324 S. Perry. 444-5385; and Shadle, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. 444-5390. 10:30 a.m. Free.
Ship Wrecked Camp - For ages 5-11. Journey to find a pirate’s treasure while enjoying stories and games. Please bring a lunch. Pre-registration is required. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Corbin Art Center, 507 W. Seventh Ave. $29. 625-6200.
Toddler Storytime - For ages 18 months-3 years. Library locations include: Downtown, 906 W. Main Ave. 444-5356; East Side, 524 S. Stone St. 444-5375; Hillyard, 4005 N. Cook St. 444-5380; Indian Trail, 4909 W. Barnes. 444-5395; South Hill, 3324 S. Perry. 444-5385; and Shadle, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. 444-5390. 10 a.m. Free.
U.S. Hot Rod Monster Jam - 7:30 p.m. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $18-$22/adults, $5-$22/ages 2-12. 325-SEAT.
Beyond Pink Barbie Party - An outrageous party where ages 4-7 will dance and sing to Barbie’s new CD. Wear pink and bring your own Barbie doll to model for the Barbie Fashion Show. The Barbie makeup and nail salon will be open the entire pink party. Fee is includes a Beyond Pink Show with live DJ, nail and makeup salons, photo studio, limo ride, pink lemonade, pink snacks, pink party favors, and a memorable outrageous time. Pre-registration is required. All proceeds will go to benefit the Kids-Helping-Kids fundraiser, through the Northeast Youth Center, helping benefit the children in the Hillyard Community. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Gonzaga University, Cataldo Hall. $20. 482-0708.
For the Love of Movies: “The Last Mimzy” - Watch this film about two kids who find a mysterious box of toys on the beach and develop special powers. Rated PG, 3 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. 893-8400.
Saturday Night Bluegrass Thang - Presented by the Inland Northwest Bluegrass Association. 7 p.m., Trent Elementary School, 3303 N. Pines Road. $5/general, free/ages 11 and younger. 466-7018.
Southside Co-op Carnival - Enjoy crafts, games, a cake walk and raffle. 10 a.m.-noon., Sacajawea Middle School, 401 E. 33rd Ave. $5/children, adults and children age 1 and younger admitted free. 443-6640.
Spokane Golf Show - 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Every adult paid admission will receive a free round of golf from a variety of courses. There will be golf seminars, retailers, area and regional golf courses and new equipment all in one location. Plenty of fun contests and interactive golf attractions will be available. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $10/general, ages 12 and younger admitted free. 466-0510.
Storytime (Barnes & Noble) - Story will be “Little Bitty Mousie” by Jim Aylesworth. 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E Indiana Ave, Spokane. Free. 922-4104.
U.S. Hot Rod Monster Jam - 2 and 7:30 p.m. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $18-$22/adults, $5-$22/ages 2-12. 325-SEAT.
Pancake Breakfast - Menu consists of scrambled eggs, sausage, juice, coffee and all-you-can-eat pancakes. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sons of Norway Tordenskjord Lodge, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd. $4/adults, $2.50/age five and younger. 326-9211.
River City Modelers Train Show - Featuring almost 150 tables of model railroad equipment for sale including Lionel, Marx and American Flyer plus scale models of steam engines, diesels, rolling stock, buildings and railroad memorabilia. A number of model railroad layouts will also be on display in various scales. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Spokane Community College, Lair-Student Center, Bldg. 6, 1810 N. Greene St. $5/adults, $3/ages 12 to 16, free/younger than age 12. 939-5845.
Spokane Golf Show - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Every adult paid admission will receive a free round of golf from a variety of courses. There will be golf seminars, retailers, area and regional golf courses and new equipment all in one location. Plenty of fun contests and interactive golf attractions will be available. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $10/general, ages 12 and younger admitted free. 466-0510.
U.S. Hot Rod Monster Jam - 2 p.m. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $18-$22/adults, $5-$22/ages 2-12. 325-SEAT.
Washington and Lincoln’s Day Camp - For children ages 5-11. Enjoy projects and games honoring President’s Washington and Lincoln. Please bring a lunch. Pre-registration is required. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Corbin Art Center, 507 W. Seventh Ave. $29. 625-6200.
Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s Class - An etiquette class for ages 7-12. Pre-registration is required. 1-4 p.m., Palm Court Dining Room, The Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. $42. 625-6200.
“Showstoppers” Audition - Children 7-15 years of age are encouraged to audition for this Broadway-style review presented April 3-13 at Northern Quest Casino. Candidates should be prepared to sing a Broadway song and an accompanist will be provided. 4-8 p.m., Northern Quest Casino, Pend Oreille Pavilion, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. (702) 436-1055.
After-school Specials - Explore West Africa through stories, crafts, and games. Learn about a different culture each month. Library locations include: Airway Heights, 1213 S. Lundstrom St. 893-8250; Fairfield, 305 E. Main Ave. 893-8320. 4 p.m. Free.
Creative Concoctions: Bath Time Fun - For ages 4-9. Create bath bombs and bath jelly. 11 a.m.-noon. Mobius, River Park Square, lower level, 808 W. Main Ave. $10. 624-KIDS.
Drop-In Knitting Class - Enjoy knitting and crocheting with others. Please bring your own project or needles and yarn. For ages 10 and older. 4 p.m., South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. Free. 444-5385.
Family Story Evening - All ages are welcome. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas and bring their favorite blanket or stuffed toy. Library locations include: North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road 893-8350; Spokane Valley, 12004 E. Main Ave. 893-8400. 7 p.m. Free.
Preschool Storytime - For ages 3-5. 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. 893-8400; Downtown Library, 906 W. Main St. Free. 444-5356.
Spokane Chiefs Hockey - Vs. Kelowna. 7 p.m., Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $7-$17. (800) 325-SEAT.
Storytime (Fairfield) - For ages 2-5. 10:30 a.m., Fairfield Library, 305 E. Main St. Free. 893-8320.
Toddler Storytime (Downtown) - For ages 18 months-3 years. 10 a.m., Downtown Library, 906 W. Main St. Free. 444-5356.
After School Specials (Argonne) - Explore West Africa through stories, crafts, and games. Learn about a different culture each month. 4 p.m., Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road. Free. 893-8260.
Preschool Storytime - For ages 3-5. Library locations include: 10:30 a.m., Spokane Valley, 12004 E. Main Ave. 893-8400; 11 a.m., North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road. 893-8350; Cheney, 610 First St. 893-8280; Deer Park, 208 S. Forest Ave. 893-8476. Free.
Spokane Valley Anime Club - For teens in grades 6 or above. Watch this month’s feature: “Steamboy(PG-13),” about a young inventor who inherits a super-powered steam engine. Refreshments will also be served. 4 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. 893-8400.
Storytime - For ages 2-5. Library locations and times include: 10 a.m., Medical Lake, 321 S. Herb St. 893-8330; 10:30 a.m., Argonne, 4322 N. Argonne Road. 893-8260. Free.
Storytime (Barnes & Noble) - Enjoy a story about penguins, make a penguin craft, and have a treat. 2 p.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E Indiana Ave, Spokane. Free. 922-4104.
Toddler Storytime - For ages 18 months-3 years. Library locations include: North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road. 893-8350; Deer Park, 208 S. Forest Ave. 893-8476. 10 a.m. Free.