Lottery numbers
Saturday’s Washington Daily Game: 8-1-8
Saturday’s Washington Lotto: 14-17-25-31-38-42
No winner. Next jackpot: $1.8 million.
Saturday’s Washington Keno: 5-11-13- 14-20-21-23-26-27-32-34-35-37- 41-42-52-53-54-69-72
Saturday’s Hit 5: 1-2-4-13-21
One winner. Next jackpot: $100,000.
Saturday’s Powerball: 8-13-23-29-47
Power Ball: 32
Saturday’s Wild Card: 4-16-26-27-31 Wild Card: K♣
Saturday’s Montana Cash: 1-4-24-31-35
Today in history
1582: Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull, or edict, outlining his calendar reforms. (The Gregorian Calendar is the calendar in general use today.)
1803: In its Marbury v. Madison decision, the Supreme Court established judicial review of the constitutionality of statutes.
1868: The House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson following his attempted dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; Johnson was later acquitted by the Senate.