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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Boy unconscious in swimming pool

The Spokesman-Review

Out of school for a snow day, a 6-year-old boy was found unconscious in a swimming pool Monday.

Hayden Klaveano was reported in critical condition Thursday night at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

The boy’s family hadn’t seen him for about 30 minutes, and the father called 911 after seeing a tear in one corner of the pool cover, Whitman County Sheriff Brett Myers said. Thick ice and murky water had prevented the family from determining whether Hayden had fallen in, he said.

Emergency crews responded about 2 p.m. to the house on Klaveano Road, and a crew member dove into the pool and found the boy, Myers reported in a press statement.

CPR was administered in a helicopter.

Hayden Klaveano attends Steptoe School.

– Meghann M. Cuniff


Second eagle dies at raptor center

The second of two emaciated eagles found in Stevens County this month has died.

The 5-year-old eagle, nicknamed Carpenter, was found dead in his cage Saturday morning at Washington State University’s raptor rehabilitation center, the school said Monday.

“This is a very difficult time for everyone here who works to save raptors,” said Dr. Nickol Finch, head of the raptor program at WSU. “We have students and volunteers who spend countless hours fighting to save these great animals, but given these eagles’ poor condition the odds of survival were not good from the beginning.”

Carpenter and a 3-year-old eagle, Jordan, suffered from severe dehydration and hypothermia when they were found. Tests determined that both eagles had high levels of lead in their blood.

Results of post-mortem examinations of the eagles are expected Wednesday.

– Staff reports


S-R postpones meeting on ethics

Wednesday’s public meeting on The Spokesman-Review’s draft ethics code has been postponed because of weather.

The meeting, which was planned for 2:30 p.m. at the downtown Spokane Public Library, will be rescheduled within the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, the public meetings scheduled for next week in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane Valley will be held as planned.

The schedule for those meetings is as follows:

Monday, Feb. 4, 11:30 a.m., North Idaho Bureau 1st floor meeting room, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene.

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 6:30 p.m., Spokane Valley Partners community center, 10814 East Broadway Ave., Spokane Valley.

A copy of the ethics code will be published Sunday and can be found online at about/ethicscode/.

–Staff reports