Show your pride on Independence Day
Happy Birthday America! Tomorrow is that once-a-year-day we reserve for celebrating all things American. That one day when love of country overwhelms political bias and red, white and blue ribbons bind us together in solidarity, remembrance and pride. It is the one day each of us should take time to be thankful we live in America and maybe take the opportunity to proudly wear a T-shirt that proclaims gratitude for our country.
When you first wake up tomorrow morning, throw on your “Proud to be an American” T-shirt and start your celebration of the Fourth of July by thanking your immigrant ancestors or family members who bravely chose to seek freedom in America. Recent immigrants are probably more aware of the importance of freedom than those of us whose ancestors came to America seeking asylum hundreds of years ago. But however long ago they came, without their dreams of freedom, determination, and sacrifice, most of us wouldn’t live in the most powerful nation in the world today. Wear that shirt with pride.
And, when you see one of those “Land of the free because of the brave” T-shirts as you are filling up your rig with that expensive gas before you head out to the lake for the day, take a minute or two to think about our fallen heroes and those defending our freedom and fighting terrorism around the world and in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq. Don’t miss the message when you catch sight of a cute little girl in a “My daddy is defending your freedom this July Fourth” T-shirt, while you are enjoying the Spirit Lake Fourth of July Parade or celebrating in Bayview.
Take time to remember those who have fought and died for our country when you see those “Support our Troops” shirts and bumper stickers. Remember the 1 million soldiers who have given their lives since our country began – those ancestors, grandfathers, brothers, sons and daughters who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country; and the more than 1,500,000 wounded, whose sacrifice should be no less honored.
These soldiers fought for our liberty and freedom during The American Revolution, The War of 1812, Mexican-American War, The Civil War, The Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, The Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom. You might think about them and give a nod of thanks when you see an old guy in an “Enjoy your freedom – thank a Marine” shirt at the convenience store when you stop to buy paper plates before you head off to your Fourth of July picnic.
It might be hard, but don’t forget to be thankful for the leaders of our country, both past and present, when you see one of those “United we stand” T-shirts. Love them or hate them, through their leadership – strong in time of trouble – and diligent in times of peace – we have maintained the freedom for which millions around the world yearn.
Then tomorrow night, before you head off to that fireworks display, remember to pull on your “Liberty is not free” sweat shirt. Wear it in remembrance of our founding fathers for their vision, patriotism, passion and willingness to sacrifice their lives and fortunes to establish a free country. Our story, the tale of the American Revolution and the United States Constitution is amazing. Never did such a remarkable group of insightful, intelligent and God-fearing men ever assembled to create a country based on the idea of equality for all, or to forge a document so strong it serves as a beacon for freedom across the world more than 200 year later. Remember them with gratitude.
Finally, when you get home, pull out that T-shirt you bought from one of the vendors at the park earlier in the day. Take a good long look at it: “Being a citizen rocks!” Wear that shirt with pride.